Goal Setting and Adjusting Your Nutritional Plan During the Apocalypse
Goal Setting and Adjusting Your Nutritional Plan During the Apocalypse
This a long timeframe to let yourself get down and to slide backward in habits and work ethic. So we need a focus, and it needs to be a change of focus. We need goals in short.
The Plan: Walking the Talk
The Plan: Walking the Talk
Exhaustion is the main reason I and lots of people quit following a plan. Another reason: catastrophic circumstances. Have you considered goal setting and time framing, monitoring, and journaling to follow your plan?
The Role of Self-Regulation and Control in Sport Performance
The Role of Self-Regulation and Control in Sport Performance
You must be in control or have autonomy, to set goals, move through intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, and grittily, hardily, toughly keep on track — especially if your choice is to be or continue being a successful high-performance athlete.
Ten Years Under the Bar
Ten Years Under the Bar
Through my years in the gym I have learned a lot about training, about life, and about myself. From my personal account, these are the most valuable lessons the iron has taught me.
All Together Now — The Psychologist
All Together Now — The Psychologist
Today we will look into sports psychology. While the coach and the nutritionist are pushed into multi and interdisciplinarity even when there is not a proper structure for it, the same doesn’t happen with the sports psychologist.
The Goal Review Session
The Goal Review Session
Sometimes a client gets bored. Sometimes they get busy. And sometimes they just want something new.
Contingencies — Why Plan B Might Be the Most Important Part of Your Strategy
Contingencies — Why Plan B Might Be the Most Important Part of Your Stra...
As painful as it might be to ponder our actions in the event that the rug is pulled out from underneath our feet, it pales in comparison to the pain of not having a viable Plan B when life happens.
Why Do You Lift — Defining Hope, Motivation, and Risk
Why Do You Lift — Defining Hope, Motivation, and Risk
This is where we find the relationship between hope and two other concepts that are directly important to sports performance and powerlifting in particular: motivation and risk.
How You Do Anything Is How You'll Do Everything
How You Do Anything Is How You'll Do Everything
I want to share some of the key principles to success that I have learned over the last few years. Start here and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals.
Run the Plan
Run the Plan
Have a plan. That’s it? Well, that’s a start.
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The Process and Product of Goal Setting
The training will make you Strong(er) of body. The goal setting will help you become Strong(er) of mind.
Surround Yourself with Amazing People
Surround Yourself with Amazing People
The experience of sharing success with like-minded individuals will motivate you to wake up everyday and make the most of the time you’re given.
How to Visualize Your Next PR
How to Visualize Your Next PR
Mental steps to take for competition day.
Master Your Goals
Master Your Goals
During the last couple years, I’ve seen a very welcome change in the mindset of many guys and gals entering the gym.
The Wannabe, Part Two
The Wannabe, Part Two
How you use your “down time” in 2012 will determine if you stay a wannabe or if you become the success you want to be.

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