WATCH: Power to the Female Powerlifters
WATCH: Power to the Female Powerlifters
If you’re a man and you’re trying to hold a woman back from powerlifting, or doing whatever she wants to do…Who are you to try and change her mind, and get her not to do it?
WATCH: Dedication to Powerlifting Federations
WATCH: Dedication to Powerlifting Federations
Should you spend your powerlifting career competing only with one organization, or go wherever you feel like for each meet?
RANT: Stick with the Program
RANT: Stick with the Program
You paid a coach for a program and don’t like what they gave you? There’s a right way to handle this situation — and it’s not by deviating from the plan just because you want to.
WATCH: Lessons Learned from Online and Personal Training Clients
WATCH: Lessons Learned from Online and Personal Training Clients
Through many years training many clients, these are the main lessons that have helped the most for setting lifters up for success.
WATCH: How Would You Program for a Deadlift Only Meet?
WATCH: How Would You Program for a Deadlift Only Meet?
Many lifters will be tempted to reduce their squat intensity to preserve energy for the deadlift, but that might not be the best idea.
WATCH: How Does It Feel to Do an 1100-Pound Good Morning?
WATCH: How Does It Feel to Do an 1100-Pound Good Morning?
Steve may be one of the strongest squatters of all time, but it hasn’t stopped him from receiving criticism for his squat style. Are the concerns warranted?
WATCH: What I Would Change About My Time in Powerlifting
WATCH: What I Would Change About My Time in Powerlifting
One small change could’ve led to all-time world records that might still be standing today.
Finding Her Place Chasing the Greats
Finding Her Place Chasing the Greats
Under the skillful coaching of Steve Goggins, Meana Franco continues to establish herself as one of the top young female powerlifters today. Read about the changes she’s implementing in anticipation of the IPL Anaheim Fit Expo.
WATCH: How Many Times Did I Think About Giving Up Powerlifting?
WATCH: How Many Times Did I Think About Giving Up Powerlifting?
Powerlifting isn’t always fun. You have bad days in the gym, bad training cycles, and bad meets. What happens when the bad outweighs the good? Is it time to consider leaving?
3 Things I Would Tell A Younger Steve Goggins
3 Things I Would Tell A Younger Steve Goggins
If you could go back 10, 15, or 20 years in the past, what would you say? What advice for life would you share?
What's Your Game Plan?
What's Your Game Plan?
You’re never going to build a big total by going into the gym and lifting as much as possible every session, week after week, year after year.
Approaching the Bar: What Motivates You Before A Heavy Lift?
Approaching the Bar: What Motivates You Before A Heavy Lift?
Do you need ammonia? Loud music? A slap to the back of your head? Your training partners screaming?
WATCH: What It Means to Have Someone's Back
WATCH: What It Means to Have Someone's Back
Caring about someone doesn’t always mean agreeing with them — sometimes it means telling them they’re making a stupid-ass decision.
WATCH: Should You Arch Your Back When You Bench Press?
WATCH: Should You Arch Your Back When You Bench Press?
Bench-builder or back-breaker? Steve has the answer.
Why Compete in Powerlifting?
Why Compete in Powerlifting?
Powerlifters train for years to test their strength at powerlifting meets, yet receive little recognition or financial reward in return. So where’s the motivation?
Staying Motivated With No Chance of Winning the 2016 USAPL Raw Nationals Championship
Staying Motivated With No Chance of Winning the 2016 USAPL Raw Nationals...
We often find ourselves swimming in a sea of excellence, chasing the purple dragon of someone else’s achievements. That’s not how to become a champion.
A Big Win for Bell Power Systems and Goggins Force at USAPL 2015 Raw Nationals
A Big Win for Bell Power Systems and Goggins Force at USAPL 2015 Raw Nat...
This was by far the largest meet Goggins' Force has ever attended. Teaming up with Bell Power Systems was our best move in this competition.
Goggins Force at the Arnold
Goggins Force at the Arnold
Even a full hip replacement can’t stop Steve Goggins from coaching his team to a standout performance at the Pro Raw Challenge.
Méana Franco Tearing It Up.
Méana Franco Tearing It Up.
Getting tight to make it right.
Méana Franco Tearing It Up
Méana Franco Tearing It Up
Getting tight to make it right.

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