Strength Coach Ego Check: Rediscover Who You Are
Strength Coach Ego Check: Rediscover Who You Are
I had a conversation with Coach Jeff Ward that not only humbled me, but shook me to my core. I thought I had been focused on convictions, but ego had slipped into the driver’s seat.
In-Season Training: Communication, Trust and Buy-In
In-Season Training: Communication, Trust and Buy-In
This was the first time running my program and my first time being a head guy, so I could have been completely off-base. Not many go into the season expecting to get stronger.
WATCH: Table Talk with Nate Harvey — Why Do Football Players Run Long Sprints in Practice?
WATCH: Table Talk with Nate Harvey — Why Do Football Players Run Long Sp...
The easy answer is that it builds mental toughness. The strength and conditioning answer, however, involves understanding the differences between lactic acid, glycolytic, and oxidative work.
Introducing New elitefts Coach Nate Harvey
Introducing New elitefts Coach Nate Harvey
I basically just read his bio as "blah, blah, blah, blah, Multiply 2450." Sounds alright to me! Welcome Nate! — David Kirschen
S&C Meeting of The Minds — Training A New Generation, Bandwagon Trends, and Research
S&C Meeting of The Minds — Training A New Generation, Bandwagon Tren...
Coaches Kitchen, Clapp, Nosak, and Showers are back to answer more questions about succeeding in the strength and conditioning field.
S&C Meeting of the Minds — History, Athlete Development, and In-Season/Off-Season Goals
S&C Meeting of the Minds — History, Athlete Development, and In-Seas...
This article was conducted in collaboration with David Kitchen (Bloomsburg University), Matt Clapp (University of Indiana), Ryan Nosak (UNC Charlotte), and Parker Showers (University of Cincinnati).
Starting Your Career as a Collegiate Strength Coach
Starting Your Career as a Collegiate Strength Coach
Breaking into this profession is difficult and requires determination and sacrifice but if you’re in it for the right reasons, that won’t be a problem.

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