Top 3 Foods for Grainy, Shredded Awesomeness
Top 3 Foods for Grainy, Shredded Awesomeness
The first two you might expect. The third one will rock your world.
10 Nutrition Myths That Just Need to Die
10 Nutrition Myths That Just Need to Die
Despite how inaccurate these nutrition beliefs are, they just won’t seem to go away. It’s time we kill them.
Enjoy BBQ Season Without Wrecking Your Diet
Enjoy BBQ Season Without Wrecking Your Diet
You don’t have to turn BYOB into BYOF (bring your own food, often in a cooler).
Operation Be Less Fat: A Year In Review
Operation Be Less Fat: A Year In Review
I started 2015 with a plan. Like most plans, it had to change throughout the year. I learned a lot and have even more to accomplish.
Popular Diet Pitfalls
Popular Diet Pitfalls
Whether you’re following a more flexible diet approach, carb backloading, or even taking a short run at low carb, keep in mind that these programs are valuable if not abused.
Diet Manipulation Strategies From Team elitefts
Diet Manipulation Strategies From Team elitefts
I dug deep into the archives of elitefts nutrition articles and compiled the six best pieces of work to help you on your way to a bigger and leaner physique.
Do Carbohydrate Sources Matter?
Do Carbohydrate Sources Matter?
Which one of you carb sensitive wusses will complain first?
Iron Subculture Podcast: Fred Duncan — Common Dietary Trends Debunked
Iron Subculture Podcast: Fred Duncan — Common Dietary Trends Debunked
With dozens of well-marketed diets to choose from, we discuss the pros and cons of some of the more common choices

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