In-Season Considerations for Multiple Sports
In-Season Considerations for Multiple Sports
I wanted to write an article that impacts all of the sport teams I work with but can be used across really any team setting. This is going to be a general guideline I use for my entire program.
Peaking for Sport
Peaking for Sport
If speed is what we’re going after, then why do the weights on both our heavy and light days continue to climb, and bar speed continues to fall? As we get deeper into the competitive season and continue to put more tonnage on the athletes, we are burning the candle at both ends.
S&C Meeting of the Minds — History, Athlete Development, and In-Season/Off-Season Goals
S&C Meeting of the Minds — History, Athlete Development, and In-Seas...
This article was conducted in collaboration with David Kitchen (Bloomsburg University), Matt Clapp (University of Indiana), Ryan Nosak (UNC Charlotte), and Parker Showers (University of Cincinnati).
Ruck & Maul: In Season, Gym Based Programming
Ruck & Maul: In Season, Gym Based Programming
Do not just blindly follow this training template with your teams, but experiment with elements of it and come up with what works best in your own environment.
Elitefts Roundtable: In-Season Training for Football
Elitefts Roundtable: In-Season Training for Football
Elitefts™ coaches and columnists discuss their views on the best in–season templates for football.
Secrets of Training During the Basketball Season
Secrets of Training During the Basketball Season
This article will hopefully serve as a guide to you whether you’re a player, coach or strength coach.
In-Season Training for Baseball
In-Season Training for Baseball
Too many times, I see athletes make some nice strength gains in the off-season only to lose them all during the competitive season because of their lack of training.

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