Be Part of a Groundbreaking Strength Sports Study
Be Part of a Groundbreaking Strength Sports Study
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs help gathering data for her latest scholastic endeavor: a first-of-its-kind scholarly series about the science of lifting gear benefits. No matter your sport or gear use, take a survey on knee sleeves. Remember to share!
Take a Survey About Knee Wraps for Science!
Take a Survey About Knee Wraps for Science!
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs your help! Help her gather data on knee wraps for the latest installment in her "How Stuff Works" series about lifting gear.
Want to Contribute to an Article? Click here!
Want to Contribute to an Article? Click here!
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs some help on her latest scholastic endeavor: a first-of-its-kind article scholarly series about the science of the benefits of lifting gear. Help her gather some data on wrist wraps by taking a survey. Share to spread the word and your experience on wrist wraps.
Hello, My Name is: Gym Visitor
Hello, My Name is: Gym Visitor
During my first visit to the elitefts S4 Compound I was anxious, excited, and—yes—intimidated. These five things helped make my workout a great experience.
144 Things I Love and Hate About Powerlifting
144 Things I Love and Hate About Powerlifting
Every lifter has their own reasons to love or hate this sport. Here are mine.

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