5 Tricep Exercises for Size and Lockout Strength
5 Tricep Exercises for Size and Lockout Strength
The basics build strong and big triceps, BUT it all depends on how you execute them. I’ve got some tricks up my super tight sleeves.
New to Gear? Start Here!
New to Gear? Start Here!
Coming from someone who didn’t listen to these tips the first time and learned the hard way…
Putting Me Back in Max Effort
Putting Me Back in Max Effort
Assuming you have the basics like a straight bar, rack, bench, box, boards, bands, and chains—you have plenty to rub out a successful and safe max effort session. Go team solo!
4 Ways to Mentally Master Your Meet Performance
4 Ways to Mentally Master Your Meet Performance
I’ve learned how to frame my meets so they are a positive and successful experience— no longer do I drink and cry (afterward). From goal setting to learning from mistakes to gaining some perspective, I hope a few of these tips help you.
1300 at the WPO Semi-Finals
1300 at the WPO Semi-Finals
I’m glad that I got the total I wanted and hit a bench and deadlift PR. I JUST WANT TO MAKE MY GEAR DADDIES PROUD.
Off-Season with a Reason
Off-Season with a Reason
No idea what to do now that your meet is over? Here is an easy guide to help you make the most out of your “off-season.”
Competition Results: 7 elitefts Athletes, 3 Meets, 1 Weekend
Competition Results: 7 elitefts Athletes, 3 Meets, 1 Weekend
Check out how some of your favorite lifters did this past weekend at Great Lakes Raw, IPA Buckeye Brawl, and APF Raw Power Challenge.
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
You don’t have to be an expert lifter to make your training partners better. You just have to always be actively watching and engaged in training. Here is how you can be an asset to your group — even as a newer lifter.
4 Habits of an Intermediate Lifter
4 Habits of an Intermediate Lifter
How many of these things do you think about when you’re training? What could you be doing to make yourself and your training partners better?
WATCH: How Lily Starobin Started Training with Dave Tate
WATCH: How Lily Starobin Started Training with Dave Tate
After an ugly incident with a Smith Machine, Lily Starobin decided maybe she needed an actual powerlifting coach. She didn’t anticipate, however, to find a coach in Dave Tate.
Add 100 Pounds To Your Squat — 5 Seminar Takeaways
Add 100 Pounds To Your Squat — 5 Seminar Takeaways
It took more than 20 years of surveys for us to define what is optimal. These are some of those key items and teaching points we’ve picked up from those surveys, such as training group size considerations and training the squat from the bottom up.
Meet Report: Taking Third Place at APF Women’s Pro-Am
Meet Report: Taking Third Place at APF Women’s Pro-Am
I told Dave to listen carefully because this is the only time I’ll ever say it, but this was a pretty good meet. I’ll take a 50 lb meet PR.
Meet Results: 2019 APF Cincinnati Women's Pro-Am
Meet Results: 2019 APF Cincinnati Women's Pro-Am
Congrats to the winners and to Team elitefts member Lily Starobin and S5 trainee Jessica Maksem. Keep your eyes peeled for a pair of meet reports this week.
What Makes a Good Coach?
What Makes a Good Coach?
One of Dave Tate’s answers to an Instagram Q&A prompted me to think about what makes a good coach in more detail… and yeah, this kind of turned into a verbal Jerk-off of Dave. But I believe what he does for lifters is the pinnacle of coaching.
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
It was my first time representing Team elitefts at a meet. The support I got from them was unreal. Oh, and the team shirt was pretty cool, too.
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Lily Starobin
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Lily Starobin
As an elitefts athlete, she will use her log to give lifters insight into S5 training, programming, and how to make decisions and modifications based on individual factors. Check out Lily's log today!

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