How Stuff Works: The Belt
How Stuff Works: The Belt

If you are reading this, either you train/enjoy strength training or you like/manufacture personal equipment. In either case, I want to help you. As always, I am committed to causing as much damage as I can to shallow thinking and shortcuts to critical-thinking. This is how the belt works.

5 Gifts for the SHW in a 2X Belly Shirt
5 Gifts for the SHW in a 2X Belly Shirt

I’m a 350-pound dude in a 2X belly shirt — this ain’t gonna be pretty at the next meet.

WATCH: Sumo Deadlift Technique for CrossFit Competitors and Weightlifters
WATCH: Sumo Deadlift Technique for CrossFit Competitors and Weightlifters

Clint walks through simple adjustments to help an experienced weightlifter and current CrossFit competitor overhaul his deadlift.

Benefits and Proper Use of Weightlifting Belts
Benefits and Proper Use of Weightlifting Belts

If you wear your belt while doing curls, make sure that you’re wearing color coordinated fingerless gloves

A Statement of Quality
A Statement of Quality

“After more than 30 years under the bar there is no doubt this is the best belt I have even used” – Dave Tate

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