You're Screwed Without A Crew
You're Screwed Without A Crew
In a recent elitefts poll, 88% of lifters responded that they train alone. I used to train alone (when I was weak). Then I found a team and turned elite.
Team Outlaw — There's No 'I' In Team
Team Outlaw — There's No 'I' In Team
There may be some powerlifters out there that train by themselves and go to meets alone, but I would bet dollars to donuts that any successful powerlifter comes from a team of supporters.
Team or Dysfunctional Family? Stories of an Elite Lifting Group
Team or Dysfunctional Family? Stories of an Elite Lifting Group
We might look dysfunctional, but this lifting family is like a Swiss clock put together with a hodgepodge of parts that somehow still always has the right time.
The Six-Day Triphasic Microcycle
The Six-Day Triphasic Microcycle
We ran the first variation of this setup in preparation for our last powerlifting meet and it resulted in around 1,400 pounds of total PRs spread amongst nine different lifters.
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
In any successful group or team, there are three key positions that must be filled. Does your team have them?
Powerlifting as a Team Sport — The Professional Mindset of Tank's Training Facility
Powerlifting as a Team Sport — The Professional Mindset of Tank's T...
Any successful team needs all of its athletes to be on the same page and shooting for the same goal.
Training Solo vs With A Team (or Partner)
Training Solo vs With A Team (or Partner)
There are benefits to having a crew and there are benefits to relying on only yourself. Which are most important for you?
Training at Westside: Priorities and Lifestyle
Training at Westside: Priorities and Lifestyle
For us, lifting was a priority. Louie and Westside gave us the edge to move our lifters on up in the competitive world. More than a place to train, lifting was our lifestyle.
How the Mighty Fall: Pride Comes First
How the Mighty Fall: Pride Comes First
Illness didn’t stop me from competing, and dropping 525 pounds on my chest didn’t stop me from finishing the meet. But later that night, I realized I was in more serious pain than it seemed at first.
WATCH: The Keyhole Barbell Mindset
WATCH: The Keyhole Barbell Mindset
Keyhole Barbell isn’t meant to be comfortable — it’s meant to scare you. And it will.
Leading Your Powerlifting Team
Leading Your Powerlifting Team
Design a powerlifting team that’s built to last.

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