The Best Damn Specialty Bar on the Market
The Best Damn Specialty Bar on the Market
I can’t get over how versatile the American Cambered Grip Bar is. You can use it forward and backward, giving you a total of 8 grip options. Flip it over, you’ve got a total of 16. I’ve found 250 options, and I’m sure there are more to find.
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Juarez Valley 10 Push-Ups
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Juarez Valley 10 Push-Ups
The Juarez Valley 10 is the ultimate chest finisher — this sequence will have your chesticles swell up like the Himalayas!
How To Develop Strength in Untrained Children
How To Develop Strength in Untrained Children
The two most important things when working with kids: keep them interested and show them how far they can go with proper training protocols.
A Push-Up Is Not Just a Push-Up
A Push-Up Is Not Just a Push-Up
This typical throw-away, punishment exercise is in fact a highly-technical skill capable of teaching and reinforcing proper movement patterns.
Elitefts™ Swiss Press Bar Push-Up & Bodyweight Rows
Elitefts™ Swiss Press Bar Push-Up & Bodyweight Rows™ Sponsored Pro Powerlifter Julia Ladewski performs sets of push-ups and bodyweight rows on the Elitefts™ Swiss Press Bar.
Barbell Chain Push-Ups (Strip Set + "Up the Rack Sets)
Barbell Chain Push-Ups (Strip Set + "Up the Rack Sets)
Barbell Chain Push-Ups with Chains performed on a Cambered Bar in the Rack
Spring Bar Push-Ups
A unique way of doing barbell pushups
What You Don’t Know about the Push-up
What You Don’t Know about the Push-up
The push-up is quite possibly one of the best exercises athletes can do.
Side to Side Push up
Side to Side Push up
The lifter will perform a typical push-up and while in the bottom position will push to the left and to the right and then back to center and finish at lockout, repeat.
Spiderman Push ups
Spiderman Push ups
This is another great variation of the pushup to make it harder and involve your abs more.
T Push Up
T Push Up
This is a great way to add a little twist to your normal push ups.
30 Days Without Weights for Ultimate Strength, Conditioning, and Fat Loss
30 Days Without Weights for Ultimate Strength, Conditioning, and Fat Loss
Weight training over long periods of time can burn out athletes from all different sports. Whether he or she is a world class MMA fighter or your average Joe who wants to stay in shape, athletes can get bored with not only their current regimen but with lifting weights period. Most will just take some time off from the gym
Keepers and Throwbacks
Keepers and Throwbacks
I just have seen too many people I know become unhappy because their possessions own them, not vice versa

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