WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
WATCH: Table Talk — Deloading with Dave Tate and Joe Sullivan
Even though you don’t want to do it, you have to do it. And by “it,” we mean “deload.”
Defy Your Demons
Defy Your Demons
There is no better time than this moment, right now. The perfection you seek is within you.
Effective or Ineffective: When To Keep or Drop Your Training Program
Effective or Ineffective: When To Keep or Drop Your Training Program
Your body must undergo multiple stages of adaptation before you decide whether or not your training program is working for you. Patience, my friend. Patience.
Iron Insights: A Pro State of Mind
Iron Insights: A Pro State of Mind
How to overcome the Resistance…
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Elitefts coach Julia Ladewski performs lateral resistance band hand walks through an agility ladder. Make sure you go both directions.
 Chain Training
Chain Training
Initially used for accommodating resistance, chains help take into account the body’s natural strength curve. Many people have become familiar with this concept over the last few years as chains have become increasingly popular.
Top Ten and a Half Training Tips for Martial Arts
Top Ten and a Half Training Tips for Martial Arts
Applying the principles of scientific training, I have come up with ten (and a half) training guidelines for the combat athlete who must be present to ensure competitive success.
Get Out of The Gym!
Get Out of The Gym!
After you spend an appreciable number of years in the weight room and only the weight room, you start to really look for ways to spice up your training program and get some results.
Top Ten Training Tips for Athletic Conditioning Success
Top Ten Training Tips for Athletic Conditioning Success
The IRON-ic rule of strength training for sport: The objective is not to get stronger per se but to improve athletic performance to build better athletes. I It’s important for the coach and the trainee to focus on improving sports performance.

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