WATCH: Smitley Tests New Wrist Wrap Protoype
WATCH: Smitley Tests New Wrist Wrap Protoype
A first look at what could be the new elitefts wrist wraps.
The Top 10 Reasons for Attending a Learn to Train Seminar
The Top 10 Reasons for Attending a Learn to Train Seminar
For those of you who might be “on the fence” when deciding whether or not it is worth going, I went ahead and compiled my top ten reasons for attending a Learn to Train seminar.
Metal Jack Shirt Review
Metal Jack Shirt Review
I’ve worn a lot of bench shirts over the years and I can say unequivocally this is the best one I ever put on.
Equipment 101: The Prowler
Equipment 101: The Prowler
We are the home of the original Prowler…and not to mention…Prowler Flu.
Diet Reviews: Mediterranean Diet and 'Eat Right for Your Type'
Diet Reviews: Mediterranean Diet and 'Eat Right for Your Type'
Jamie briefly reviews two popular diets—the Mediterranean diet and ‘Eat Right for Your Type.’
The Prowler: A Review
We are football and strength and conditioning coaches at a 4A high school in southwest Missouri. We are long time followers, readers, and users of EliteFTS and their products. When we had the opportunity to purchase three Prowlers from EliteFTS in May 2008, we jumped at the chance.
 A Breath of Fresh Air: The Renaissance of Basic Progressive Resistance Programs
A Breath of Fresh Air: The Renaissance of Basic Progressive Resistance ...
Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program and Joe DeFranco’s Westside for Skinny Bastards (WSFSB) have become wildly successful, and I couldn’t be happier to see this.

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