Two Weird Shoulder Exercises to Try This Offseason
Two Weird Shoulder Exercises to Try This Offseason
You’re a big dog now and the good ol’ days of TWO heavy pressing days per week won’t work anymore. So, what’s the answer? My answer is to train shoulders specifically in a predetermined offseason with these weird exercises. They work!
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
Are you really utilizing your muscles at their maximum strength?
Are Bands a Bad Idea for Rotator Cuff Strengthening?
Are Bands a Bad Idea for Rotator Cuff Strengthening?
The proper resistance profile for strengthening external rotation should have less resistance in fully lengthened and fully shortened muscles and more resistance in mid-range lengthed muscles. While bands are great tools, they aren’t so great for strengthening rotator cuffs.
Sensory Awareness: Rotator Cuff Activation
Sensory Awareness: Rotator Cuff Activation
Rotator cuff exercises are important, useful, and extremely beneficial when these four points are taken into account.
Clint Smith: Healthy Rotator Cuffs
Clint Smith: Healthy Rotator Cuffs
A video explanation of the exercises I practice for the rotators.
Back to a Pain-Free Bench
Back to a Pain-Free Bench
What’s more important is bench pressing without messing up your shoulders in the process.
5/3/1 Testification
5/3/1 Testification
My training has found its rightful path.
Wild Thing: Pitching Strength
Wild Thing: Pitching Strength
It’s essential to strengthen the external rotators because the internal rotators will grow exponentially stronger from so much throwing if nothing is done to correct the imbalance.
Don't Ignore the Rotators
Don't Ignore the Rotators
Don’t neglect the rotators and allow imbalances to develop.

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