Two Weird Shoulder Exercises to Try This Offseason
Two Weird Shoulder Exercises to Try This Offseason
You’re a big dog now and the good ol’ days of TWO heavy pressing days per week won’t work anymore. So, what’s the answer? My answer is to train shoulders specifically in a predetermined offseason with these weird exercises. They work!
How Stuff Works: The Wrist Wrap
How Stuff Works: The Wrist Wrap
With a better understanding of belts (the first product studied within this series), it’s now time we’ll move on to wrist wraps. Exactly how do wrist wraps work? Also, a big thanks to the 262 athletes who gave their input in an interesting survey about their use of wrist wraps.
4 Box Programming Issues with Solutions
4 Box Programming Issues with Solutions
Follow these basic tenets of efficient programming to avoid lower back pain, shoulder discomfort, knee stress, and burnout that can potentially take us or our clients out of the game.
WATCH: Should You Keep Your Lats Tight When You Deadlift?
WATCH: Should You Keep Your Lats Tight When You Deadlift?
This popular deadlift cue might not be all it’s cracked up to be.
Surviving Max Effort Day
Surviving Max Effort Day
I thought about just putting my workout off until tomorrow. That would have been the smart thing to do.
WATCH: Dr. Ken Kinakin SPS Presentation — Pain when Overhead Pressing
WATCH: Dr. Ken Kinakin SPS Presentation — Pain when Overhead Pressing
If shoulder pain is holding you back when pressing overhead, the infraspinatus and AC joint are two likely culprits you should examine.
My Strength Journey: Overcoming Adversity
My Strength Journey: Overcoming Adversity
I decided I was going to use this setback as a gift, to become better than I was yesterday. To become strong, pain-free, and resilient.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Training Standards and Injury Management for Kids
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Training Standards and Injury ...
In this video, the second part of his presentation, Jim goes into detail about both the mental and physical aspects of training kids.
WATCH: Improving Overhead Position and Shoulder Mechanics
WATCH: Improving Overhead Position and Shoulder Mechanics
In this video, Brad Cox and Chris Duffin provide corrective strategies to improve range of motion and shoulder stability with a strongman athlete who recently injured his shoulder.
Bottoms-Up Training: Fix Your Shoulders and Pressing Technique Today
Bottoms-Up Training: Fix Your Shoulders and Pressing Technique Today
If you’re unfamiliar with this humbling training method, it works by creating significant instability and forcing the lifter to recruit additional muscle fibers and motor units.
Beast Reality: Massive Shoulders
Beast Reality: Massive Shoulders
The bottom line is you do not need a fancy program to build big, strong shoulders.
A Lion in Iron: You Can't Bench…
A Lion in Iron: You Can't Bench…
Not being able to bench may be your worst nightmare, but these powerful alternatives will help get you through.
Dips Done Right
Dips Done Right
Do these correctly and you will see the chiseled results in your chest and triceps… as well as a stronger pressing power.
Wide or Narrow Grip Pull-Downs/Pull-Ups: Does It Make a Difference?
Wide or Narrow Grip Pull-Downs/Pull-Ups: Does It Make a Difference?
Wide for wide, in for in, in for out, out for in—we’ve heard all the catch phrases for where to hold the bar on a lat pull-down.
RotatoReliever: An Effective New Option For Repairing Shoulder Injuries
RotatoReliever: An Effective New Option For Repairing Shoulder Injuries
Well, surgery or expensive and timely rehab may not be your only option.

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