How I Teach the Squat
How I Teach the Squat
Everybody learns differently. Using five easy steps, this is my way of teaching clients and seminar attendees how to execute a squat.
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Elaborate Setups, Being Too Bloated, and Minimum Effective Dose
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Elaborate Setups, Being Too Bloated, and Minimu...
No table, no problem. This first on-the-road video Q&A covers five questions from five different elitefts readers.
WATCH: Table Talk — Run the Monolift or Walk Out?
WATCH: Table Talk — Run the Monolift or Walk Out?
This really shouldn’t be a debate. Mimic how you compete.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — The Number One Biggest Squat Mistake
WATCH: Blast from the Past — The Number One Biggest Squat Mistake
From the moment you grab the bar until you rack it after the lift, you need to be focusing on this part of your squat.
Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important
Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important
There are a lot of things we work on with fixing lifters’ squats, let’s start here.
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
I’m making some changes and have employed the knowledge of several lifting legends to answer these crucial questions.
WATCH: How to Teach Athletes to Box Squat
WATCH: How to Teach Athletes to Box Squat
Use this teaching protocol to help your athletes learn the ideal squatting technique and build better athletic performance.

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