24 Weeks Down - 10 to Go
24 Weeks Down - 10 to Go
Arms have always been a weak point for me, and they still are though they’ve improved quite a bit this year.
Bodybuilding Squat, Chest and Offseason
Bodybuilding Squat, Chest and Offseason
We started with some heavy standing calf work, then higher-rep seated calf work, then seated leg curls pyramiding up in weight.
Shelby's Current Diet
Shelby's Current Diet
This is quite a bit less calories than I was taking in a month or so ago.
Like a Balloon
Like a Balloon
Lastly, my dish soap is scented like Ruby Red grapefruit.
Killer Calves: Add Almost an Inch in a Few Months
Killer Calves: Add Almost an Inch in a Few Months
The higher volume has added almost 3/4 of an inch to my calves in the last couple months.
Get Jacked - Train Like a Bodybuilder
Get Jacked - Train Like a Bodybuilder
It will burn like hell, your pecs will be tired, but your joints will be fresh headed into next two exercises.
Getting Ready for Figure Competition with 5/3/1 Strength and Carb Cycling
Getting Ready for Figure Competition with 5/3/1 Strength and Carb Cycling
Recently, my client, Theodora, stepped out of her comfort zone and stepped on to the stage as a figure competitor.
Training Legs: Bodybuilder Style
Training Legs: Bodybuilder Style
Here’s the leg session I did on Monday.
The Magic Three
The Magic Three
I think I’ve touched on this before, but I wanted to mention it again.
The Kroc Row: Training Legs with Starnes
The Kroc Row: Training Legs with Starnes
I don’t believe in perfection…there’s always more that can be achieved.
Dizenzo Reaches Fat Loss Goal in 12 weeks
Dizenzo Reaches Fat Loss Goal in 12 weeks
This is embarrassing, I was more of a mess than I thought when I started.
2010 NPC Jr Nationals Recap
2010 NPC Jr Nationals Recap
I’m already back to the grind, and don’t plan on competing until next summer.
Not Cutting Fat and Keeping Muscle? You May Be Doing 1 of These 5 Things Wrong
Not Cutting Fat and Keeping Muscle? You May Be Doing 1 of These 5 Things...
As with anything in life, consistency reaps major rewards.
Low-Carb Diet Q&A with Shelby Starnes
Low-Carb Diet Q&A with Shelby Starnes
The very low-carb diet (VLCD) is a synthesis of the best of these approaches, but geared towards the carb-sensitive individual.
 Five Key Supplements
Five Key Supplements
Green tea has a host of powerful effects that make it very helpful for dieting.
McGorry/Starnes Interview: Powerlifting to Bodybuilding
McGorry/Starnes Interview: Powerlifting to Bodybuilding
Our very own “Unlikely Powerlifter,” Matt McGorry, decided to compete in his very first bodybuilding show just a few short weeks ago.
Transforming Together (Part 2)
Transforming Together (Part 2)
In March of 2009, I was contacted by Nate and Donia, training partners from Iowa who were looking to get into better shape. Eight months later, they both competed in their first competitions (bodybuilding for him and figure for her) with completely transformed physiques.
Transforming Together (Part 1)
Transforming Together (Part 1)
In March of 2009, I was contacted by Nate and Donia, training partners from Iowa who were looking to get into better shape. Eight months later, they both competed in their first competitions (bodybuilding for him and figure for her) with completely transformed physiques.

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