8-Week Strength Training Program for the MMA Athlete
8-Week Strength Training Program for the MMA Athlete
Take two athletes with roughly the same skill set, the stronger athlete will win every time. Get stronger with this program.
A Real Strength Coaches Guild To Writting Training Programs
A Real Strength Coaches Guild To Writting Training Programs
From Matt's Coaching Blog    Part One I'm sure I've done something like this before. This process is evolving all the time. Not a lot has changed, but there's always a new "twist" as I try to improve what I do. My latest "improvement" is due to an intern that actually wants to be a […]
Strength Programs Don't Work
Strength Programs Don't Work
Unless you just have some crazy genetics or happen to be the perfect person for a strength program, the majority of these programs are not a valid long-term plan. But don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater…
9-Week Strength and Fat Loss Program for the New Year
9-Week Strength and Fat Loss Program for the New Year
I designed this program for a few of our lifters who had no meet in mind and wanted to stay strong, shed some fat, and get in better shape. All of them had great results.
Are You a Leader or a Follower?
Are You a Leader or a Follower?
Too often I see lifters doing the strangest stuff in the gym, and sometimes I get irritated enough to actually ask them about it. Their answers usually tells me everything I need to know: they’re followers, not leaders.
WATCH: The Story Behind the Strength Coach — Donald Day
WATCH: The Story Behind the Strength Coach — Donald Day
In this video, Don walks through his growth as a strength and conditioning coach. He discusses lessons from each of the positions he has held and shares the names of several of the most influential people that have helped him in his career.
Chad Aichs's Guaranteed-to-Work Miracle Program
Chad Aichs's Guaranteed-to-Work Miracle Program
Are you still searching for the holy grail of programs? Here it is, in all its perfection.
9 Week Conjugate Strength Training Program Proven to Break Records
9 Week Conjugate Strength Training Program Proven to Break Records
This was designed in December 2000 and has been used by thousands of lifters to better grasp Conjugate Training and increase the strength of their Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift by hundreds of pounds.
Bringing Speed and Strength to a High School Baseball Program
Bringing Speed and Strength to a High School Baseball Program
It doesn’t take state-of-the-art equipment or additional practice time to build better athletes.
 Developing an Effective Strength Training Program
Developing an Effective Strength Training Program
The key for athletic success begins in the weight room. Studies have shown that athletes who participate in a strength training program are faster, quicker, and more explosive, and they have fewer injuries.

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