Yesterday marked 2 weeks post surgery, my follow up appointment was supposed to be today but the Dr. had a family emergency and called me in yesterday for my checkup. (Surgery Day Log)

Removing of the stitches was the first relief, 5 little scars that make me look bad ass isn't too bad, the Dr. apologized for the one scar being so big, he was too kind.

So, I am happy to report the Dr. said my tendons were in great shape and he was able to re-attach my torn tendon exactly like he wanted too. He said my tendons were strong and was surprised with someone my age to have tendons in such great shape. (I will tell you why soon)

The Dr. said I am WAY ahead of the Pack already, because of the shape of my tendons going into surgery, being strong, the way he was able to repair the tendons and the progress I have made in the past two weeks, my range of motion now have put me way ahead of the game already. Read my log from week one, managing pain.

HOWEVER, yes there is always a HOWEVER, the lecture to follow was stern. He said now Sheri, and I'm telling you straight up, if you push it to fast, or break it again, I WON'T be able to fix it again. You must not do anything other than what the Physiotherapist tells you to do for the next 3 months. No weights, no resistance, unless the Dr. tells you. He said I know your goals, I know you want to get back to lifting but tendons are a different healing process and it will take 3 months for this to regrow and reattach properly.

I still have to wear this god ugly big uncomfortable hot sling but I know that it helps so will endure it as long as I need too. Can't wait for the day I can sleep on my side again. The Dr. was also pleased to hear I was off all pain meds, read my 12 day report.

So I said yes Dr. I won't, I promise, he gave me a requisition for Physio and said to get started next week. He was happy with my progress and I will see him again in 4 weeks. My physio starts next Thursday, can't wait to get started.

NOW here is something I have to say, so why at the age of almost 54 years old are my tendons so strong ???


The kettlebell is a wonderful tool for optimizing joint, tendon, ligament and muscle health. Many kettlebell movements will help to improve or restore mobility, stability, and optimize strength, as well as the entire shoulder complex. You can use kettlebells on their own,  as a pre-workout mobility program or warm up.

I started using Kettlebells for rehabilitation after major back surgery and am convinced that If I wasn't in shape and strong before that major surgery it would have been a lot harder to recover. Read that log if you are interested. I wanted to  become resilient and to be pro-active, Kettlebells work period.

I use my kettebells to still compete but as a secondary training program to my powerlifting, I love the combo, always will.

I could go on for days but this is enough for today, everyone knows I love Kettlebells and the reasons for them, yesterday after talking with my Dr. I am now 100% CONVINCED that what I have been preaching over all these years is true, I mean how else could I have such great tendons at my age, being strong, staying strong is the way I will alway live my life so what are you waiting for ?

Be pro-active, don't be sedentary, inactive and weak because when and if injury does hit you won't recover near as well as a strong person. Injury is not fun but part of the Athletic world, it's not because I did something wrong,  just like cars, even the top of the line cars like Porches and Mercedes parts wear out. Some people call me crazy, the neighbours especially do, why on earth would you guys train the way you do.

Well, I would rather wear out my body than have it rust out, you pick, you have a choice too.



#livelearnpasson #injuriessuck #driven #strongher #teamelitefts