I’ve decided to start compiling my own “articles of the week” that go up here on EliteFTS. I’ve been an avid reader of EVERY article for roughly the past 5+ years, and it’s the sole place that I go to increase my knowledge base, lifting, coaching, and personal growth. If you aren’t reading the articles on this site, you are really doing yourself a disservice! With that being said, here is the week in review of articles I either found interesting, useful, or just down right awesome. These are articles that spiked my interest and only reflect my views, but check em out and you can expect these every weekend for a LONG time. Enjoy!
Energy Balance: How Your Body Fights Weight Loss by Jennifer Petrosino
The Evaluation of a Strength and Conditioning Coach: A Process-Based Profession in an Outcome-Based System by Mark Watts
The Deconstruction of a SHW Powerlifter by Donnie Thompson
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash - The 90-90 Hip Lift by Team elitefts
You're Probably Not Overtraining by Chad Aichs
4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Joints by Alex Mullan
How to Wrap and Why - A Guide to Wrist and Knee Wraps by Swede Burns
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation - Exercise Selection and Attempting PR's by Jim Wendler
WATCH: Table Talk - Should Elite Totals Be Updated? by Dave Tate
How I Trained When I Was at My Best by Matt Smith
Tips On Lifting The Metal Stones by Amy Wattles
Observing Your Athletes by Matt Rhodes
"DUDE, CAN YOU GIVE ME A SPOT?" by Eric Maroscher
WARNING ADULT LANGUAGE | Dave Tate On The Coach Kav Show by Dave Tate
Be Tactical - What to Do at a Meet by C.J. Murphy