There are those dominant performances in athletics that will forever be cemented in history. Athletes that deliver these legendary performances forge their place in history among the greatest competitors to step in any arena. When I step in front of that screen with a Wii Remote in my hand... greatness is upon anyone who witnesses my onslaught on perfection.
I have had the opportunity to compete in Powerlifting, Strongman, and Olympic Weightlifting over the last 18 years. The next chapter in my competitive athletic career has shifted to Just Dance for the Wii. This program is intended to enhance to physical development to further succeed at Just Dance for the Wii.
After dominating JD1, JD2, and JD3 with a plethora of high scores in multiple genres; this training plan is designed to further entrench my position as one of the most prolific point scorers and dynamic entertainers of our time. Enjoy.
High Scores
Just Dance 1
- Jin Go Lo Ba – Fatboy Slim
- Dare – Gorrilaz
Just Dance 2
- Move Your Feet – Junior Senior
Just Dance 3
- Apache (Jump on It) – Sugarhill Gang
- Boogie Wonderland
Equipment & Setting
This program was done almost exclusively in the Watts Family Fitness Center (my basement). The training sessions were either performed after 9pm during the week or in the mornings on weekends. Here is the equipment list:
- 4x6 Platform
- Squat Stands
- 6 25k bumpers
- 4 10kg bumbers
- 2 10lb plates
- 2 5lbs plates
- 2 2..5lb plates
- Crappy Olympic lifting bar
- Buffalo Bar
- Fat Bar
- SS Yoke Bar
- EZ Squat Chain Loaders
- Short Light Bands
- 120lbs of Chain
- Bench Press Pad
Squat Variation - 10 Total Reps
Squat Day Circuit
Bench Press Variation – 10 Total Reps
Neutral Grip Pull-Up Ladder (4 Different Grips)
Bench Press Day Circuit
Conventional Deadlift Variation
Deadlift Day Circuit
Overhead Press Variation
OHP Day Circuit
Squat Day Circuit
Jungle Gym Straps
1. GH Bridge & Curl
2. Ab Fall Outs
BP Day Circuit
Jungle Gym Straps
1. Split Squat RFE
2. Pallof Press
DL Day Circuit
Bdy Wt Circuit
1. Stair Step-Up
2. SB Roll-outs
Blast Strap
2. Ab Fall-Outs
OHP Day Circuit
1.Curl/UR Row
2. Rack BW Triceps Ext
Blast Strap
1.Tricep/ Bicep
2. Scarecrow/ Row
Set & Rep Scheme
Dynamic Method Options
Buffalo Bar Box Squat w/ 120lbs of Chains - 5 doubles w/ 50-60%
Bench Press w/ 120lbs of Chains - 5 triples w/ 50-60%
Deadlift w/ Short Pro Bands or 120lbs of Chains - 10 singles w/ 50-60%
Overhead Press w/ 80lbs of Chains - 5 doubles w/ 50-60% or BTN Push Press
Circa-Max Effort Method Options
SS Yoke Bar Squat or Buffalo Bar Front Squat
Fat Bar Bench Press
Conventional Deadlift
Overhead Press with Olympic Bar or Fat Bar
- 4RM x 4, 3, 2, 1
- 3RM x 3,2,1,-10% x4
- 2RM x 2, 1, -7.5% x4, -15% x3
- 1RM x 1, -5% x2, -10% x 3, -15% x4
Repetition Method Options
1 set of 10-15 repetitions with set weight and progressive rep goal
The Program
Week 1 | RE Squat | ME Bench Press | DE Deadlift | RE OHP |
Week 2 | DE Squat | RE Bench Press | ME Deadlift | DE OHP |
Week 3 | ME Squat | DE Bench Press | RE Deadlift | ME OHP |
Another variation of the program
I am the first to say that correlation does not mean causation. Although I will say that consistency above all else led to PRs in multiple lifts. Consistency is usually the product of three distinct factors:
- Convenience. Lifting weights in my basement left me with no excuses.
- Habit. There comes a point when it is tougher to miss a day than it is not to.
- Moderation. Seeing progress without being injured is a crucial component. Think of the last time you were able to train for an entire year without an injury. It was probably the strongest you've ever been. Just a guess.
So here was the result of my tested maxes.
Front Squat: From 332x1 to 375x1
Bench Press: 305x1 to 305x5
Conventional Deadlift: 463x1 to 483x4
Strict Overhead Press w/ Pause: 232x1 to 243x3
* Disclaimer: Ok, after the program I was still not "strong" but I made some improvements. A few other facts that dampen the achievements.
- I used a Buffalo Bar and performed an hands-free Front Squat
- I used a Fat Bar on the Bench Press
- I used straps on the Deadlift performed a continuous set
Overall, it wasn't a bad cycle. The reason I am sharing is maybe there are some of you stuck at a max or in a rut with a certain program. I hope this gives you some ideas.
SS Yoke Bar Squat
- 300 for 3 triples
Fat Bar Bench Press
- 250 for 3 triples
Cable Face Pulls
- 1x20
Glute Ham-Raise
- 1x15
Snatch from Blocks (above Knee)
- 50kg for 5 doubles
Neutral Grip Chin-ups
- 5 triples with Grip 1,0,2,1,0
Conventional Deadlift
- 305 for 3 doubles
Military Press
- 175 for 3 doubles
Articles by Mark Watts
Olympic Lifting for Athletes: Using Static Holds to Improve Technique
Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions
The Fastest Sport on Ice: Things You Don't Know About Bobsled
Tips to Crush the Combine Tests
An In-Season Training Guide for Baseball Pitchers
Individual Training in a Team Setting
Off-Season Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
What is Really Wrong with Strength and Conditioning
Sports Performance Coach Education Series
WATCH: How to Find a Strength and Conditioning Job
WATCH: Becoming a Mentor to Young Coaches
WATCH: The Four-Step Coaching Process
WATCH: 5 Strategies to Perform More Work in Less Time
WATCH: Why Communication is Key to a Better Coaching Career
WATCH: A Better Way to Train High School Athletes
WATCH: How to Implement Auto-Regulatory Training in a Team Setting
WATCH: Pre-Workout Circuits to Optimize Training Time and Maximize Performance
WATCH: Hypertrophy Circuits for Athletes in a Team Setting
Coaches Clinics
WATCH: Two Bench Press Mechanical Drop-Sets for Hypertrophy
WATCH: Two Lateral Speed Drills with Bands to Improve Change of Direction
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
WATCH: Basic Linear Speed Acceleration Drills in a Team Setting
WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports