I’ve got a quick log today with 5 Ways to Optimize Your Training regardless of your goals.

I’ll get right into it without a long drawn out Murph story.

1. Warm Up Properly

I’ve learned a lot over the years and I’ve found that there is no one right way to warm up. I’ve also seen time and time again, that most people don’t do a great job at it.

Your warm up has to work for you. That is the most important thing about it.  And, it has to warm you up, not fatigue you.

Your warm up should get you prepared for the training activity of the day. If you are lifting weights, you don’t need to warm up like you did at football practice. If you are on the track, maybe use a different warm up than you did in the weight room.

When warming up, do just enough work to get you ready for the activity. That’s it.

After training since I was about 12 years old (41 years) I’ve come across what works for me in the weight room, this may work for you, and it may not.

I’ll do my RPR Wake Up Drills and then move to the barbell.

5 Minute Fix: No, it’s less.

I take the bar as many times as I need to for sets of 5-10 and do a mobility drill, like hip airplanes between sets. Very short rest periods on warm ups.

As I approach heavier weights, the reps go down.

So, my warmup for lifting weights is RPR and lifting lighter weights.

If I was going to Box, I’d do something different.

Get it?

2. Work Smart and Hard

This may confuse people but it is simple. Pick exercises that work and that are not beyond your headlight.

As an example, if you weigh 155 pounds and squat 185, you don’t need hard to set up elaborate exercises, like a reverse band Yoke bar Box squat. Just do the Yoke bar squats. And work hard.

Choose basic exercises that work and work hard.

As you advance make some changes. Add bands, chains, specialty bars and more. Just don’t get too exotic.

3. Work Your Weakness

Doesn’t matter what it.

Find out where you are weak and eliminate it.

If you only work what you are good at the weaknesses will only get reinforced.

Working your weakness usually means doing shit you suck at. Check your ego at the door and get after it.

4. You Can Train Long, or You Can Train Hard, You Can’t Do Both

This was taught to me at a young age and I simply didn’t listen for years. Until I did and got stronger.

I’m not talking about someone with a low work capacity.  I’m talking about people who train with a shitload of exercise for three hours. (Equipped lifters not included and a 900 pound squatter may need this long.)

Get in the gym, leave your phone in your bag, or in your locker and train. And, with the exception of Max Effort work, you rarely need more than 2-3 minutes’ rest between sets. I see less of this and more of 5,8,10 minutes between sets now all over as people are glued to their electronic rectangles between sets.

5. Train for Your Primary Goal of the Day

This should be obvious, but it’s oblivious.

Are you a Powerlifter?

Train that way.

Spartan Racer?

Train that way.

Figure out what you need to do to reach your goal, or hire a QUALIFIED coach and follow the plan.

Here is a great lifting example.

I see people following Westside Conjugate style programs and on Dynamic days they turn it into Max Effort day.

The goal of the day on Dynamic day is to be Dynamic. To be fast. Don’t load up the weight for ego’s sake. Move the lighter weight faster.

Or, on Max Effort day I also see people not hitting a max.  You’ve gottta strain on Max day.

Get it?

I hope these 5 Ways to Optimize Your Training help. Leave a comment and let me know.    

And….I have Andrey Malanicnev coming to TPS for a seminar next month. We’ve got a few spots left.

For more info go to my site.

Did you miss last week’s log?

CJ Murphy, what gets measured gets managed, 4 tips, strength training , journal, powerlifting;


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Vincere vel mori

C.J. Murphy

August 26, 2021

Total Performance Sports