Team DOS just received the new Econo Prowler a couple months ago with the intent of using the hell out of it. The four of us aren’t really into using the hell out of anything that involves that much cardio so I let members and trainers at American Iron Gym use the hell out of it, too. I think all together we put the Prowler through its paces and logged a ton of hours on it.
I was very excited to get the Prowler and kept asking the gym if any packages had come for me. When it did finally come, I must admit I was a little let down with its size. It basically comes in four pieces and looks small all wrapped up. I didn’t have time to worry about that though because I was still excited to try it out. I immediately ripped it open and started putting it together. This couldn’t have been simpler—just two bolts and slide the handles in. That’s all. It was ready to go.
It may be smaller then its original counterpart, but it works exactly the same. All you have to do is throw some plates on it and push. I’ve only used it for recovery work so far, but it was perfect. I actually like it more than the sled, though I will keep the sled in rotation. The Prowler really hits the glutes and hamstrings. One of the bonuses is that it’s easy to keep your low back in a nice arched position, which seems to help recruit more of your hamstrings and glutes. It also really gets the heart pumping and is great for a little cardio work (or a lot if you choose).
There are multiple ways to push or pull the prowler. It has the standard long, vertical handles that can be used at any height, or you can use the low, horizontal handles. I like to mix these up while working with the apparatus. It’s always good to work the hammies and glutes at different angles. You can also pull the Prowler from the low handles. This will work the quad muscles and helps keep the knees stable and healthy. Another option is to pull from the long handles, which will also work the grip some. But watch the shins!
The trainers and members who train at American Iron are very open to new ideas. There was a lot of interest when I got the Prowler out. A few of the trainers were all over trying it out. This was of great amusement to me. They all thought it would be easy and that they would just kick ass with it. On the contrary, it kicked their ass.
They all really liked it, and most of them use it regularly now. The trainers are even making their regular clients use it. This includes women who just want to lose a little weight, guys just trying to get in a little better shape, and every day people. I even talk to a lady trying to get in even better shape to take the law enforcement physical, and she loved the Prowler. I’ve received great responses from everyone. The Prowler is great for the powerlifter, the athlete looking to increase speed and conditioning, the lady who wants to firm up her butt (way better than the damn lunges), or the regular guy trying to get in shape.
Another great thing about the Prowler is that it’s easy to store. I know space is usually limited in most gyms or home gyms. With the Econo Prowler, you can just pull out the handles and lean it up against a wall.
I think the Econo Prowler is a great product that every gym or athlete should have. With the new Econo version, the price and shipping cost have dropped dramatically. It retails for $315.00, but right now on EliteFTS.com, it’s on sale for $249.00. If you have concerns about it not being as durable as the original, don’t worry yourself. We have tested the hell out of it over the last couple months, and it held up great. I think we’ll be using it at the gym for a long time to come. So go get one and see how it can help.