Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Here’s an excellent example of how to place extra workouts in a weekly off-season football training schedule along with what an extra workout accomplishes (or should).
What Are You Doing with Your Gifts?
What Are You Doing with Your Gifts?
In life and in strength you are given one opportunity. It is free aside from this exception: you must do something with it.
Critics Can Go Piss Off
Critics Can Go Piss Off
This is a game of win/lose. You should be too busy getting things done to worry about those who can’t finish anything. Easier said than done right? Read this to see how.
Our Salute
Our Salute
“The Nation today needs men who think in terms of service to their country and not in terms of their country’s debt to them.” –General Omar Bradley
They are NOT Angry Birds (Part 2.2)
They are NOT Angry Birds (Part 2.2)
Many things have changed since I wrote the book Under the Bar. Looking back, it seems like forever since I sat down to write it.
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 2.1)
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 2.1)
We are two different people and his experiences will not be the same as mine; they will be his own. I want SO badly for him to not to go through the things I did, that it’s taken me a long time to see that he won’t.
Constructing a Strength and Conditioning Program for College Hockey
Constructing a Strength and Conditioning Program for College Hockey
When developing the strength and explosiveness program for the University of Pittsburgh men’s hockey team, there were several factors I had to take into consideration as a coach. Hopefully my experience thus far will help you in similar situations.
 The Coaching Eye
The Coaching Eye
The best athletes don’t always make the best coaches.
Econo Prowler Review
Econo Prowler Review
Team DOS just received the new Econo Prowler a couple months ago with the intent of using the hell out of it.
1100 Pound Abs
1100 Pound Abs
The other day in the gym, the topic of ab training for strength came up. I figured there was nobody better to ask than 1100 pound squatter Matt Wenning.
Raising the Bar: A Review
Raising the Bar: A Review
Dave Tate’s first book, Under the Bar, was billed as a book that wasn’t about training but kind of was. It wasn’t about business but kind of was, and it wasn’t about life but kind of was. His second book, Raising the Bar, is very similar but with a dark twist.
 So You Wanna Be a Fighter?: Part One
So You Wanna Be a Fighter?: Part One
It’s been a while since I’ve contributed an article to this site and so much has changed.
 Better Than Some, Worse Than Others
Better Than Some, Worse Than Others
My name is Dana Herrs. I know what you are thinking…who is this person? I’m certain that anybody reading this hasn’t heard of me. It’s because I haven’t accomplished anything in the world of powerlifting or coaching or in any college or professional sports of any kind.
No Excuses = Results
No Excuses = Results
I want to talk about a very important topic—how to get results. Obviously, this is something that everyone is interested in. However, most don’t fully understand. I’m going to set the record straight and be 100 percent honest, which may offend some people.
Strength, Part II: The Conqueror
Strength, Part II: The Conqueror
“The acquisition of strength” may alternately be called “the overcoming of weakness.”
The quest for strength, the quest for power, in its basic essence is man’s quest to be “more than himself.” This is a basic, instinctive, seed drive that carries him forward through his own personal evolution.
Got Strength?
Got Strength?
Who do you respect? Does that person have the strength to be who they are? As I sit here and type this, I can tell you that over the last year, I truly discovered what it means to have strength.
Racing Toward Red Lights: A Real World Perspective on Apathy
Racing Toward Red Lights: A Real World Perspective on Apathy
We’ve all done it. Every last one of us. Been in a tight spot and the first thing we think is who can we blame?
Does the Football Combine Predict Playing Ability?
Does the Football Combine Predict Playing Ability?
Football coaches know that selecting a player based on combine results is a crap shoot at best. In this article, Dr. Yessis evaluates the tests used to offer a possible explanation of why the combine results are such poor predictors of game play success.
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest Part 7
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest Part 7
This is the final article of a seven part series.
Balancing Act
Balancing Act
This article is geared toward those athletes who need to balance a job, family, and competing at a high level. What I mean by balance is time management.
Spud Inc. Jump Rings for Explosive Results in Athletic Performance
Spud Inc. Jump Rings for Explosive Results in Athletic Performance
A slow athlete needs to develop speed-strength. Here is how.
Powerlifters have Values?
Powerlifters have Values?
There aren’t many among us out there who make a living from their three lift totals.
The Overlooked Trait of a Champion
The Overlooked Trait of a Champion
When talking about champions, everyone has an opinion just like the BCS College Football Standings. Are champions built or are they born? Are they a product of their environment or are they loners hungry for a piece of the pie?
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest Part 6
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest Part 6
This is the sixth article of a seven part series.
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest pt.5
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest pt.5
This is the fifth article of a seven part series.
Creating a Game Plan with the Right Mental Attitude
Creating a Game Plan with the Right Mental Attitude
I believe that goal setting and mental attitude or sport psychology are often the most overlooked elements of any athlete’s preparation. Without a proper plan, what can really be accomplished? Without the right attitude, what can get done? The answer to both questions is not much.
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest Part 4
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest Part 4
This is the fourth article of a seven part series.
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest pt.3
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest pt.3
This is the third article of a seven part series.
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest
Climbing Your Own Personal Everest
We all have our dreams, but it’s rare for many of us to ever achieve them. Months ago, I was intrigued by an article on the ADCC website about Royler Gracie’s challenge to Gracie Barra.
Davidson College Football Program
Davidson College Football Program
Evan Simon recently became the head strength and conditioning coach for Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina.
Tales From the Dark Side: 13 Stories of Woe
Tales From the Dark Side: 13 Stories of Woe
Here are some actual stories from actual strength coaches. All these stories have been substantiated by coaches that I know very well and trust.
Your Program Sucks!
Your Program Sucks!
We have happened upon a new age of strength and conditioning. I have seen this coming for sometime now but tried to dismiss it as a fad.
Strength Considerations for Throwers in Track and Field
Strength Considerations for Throwers in Track and Field
Most periodized training programs for athletes follow a Western or linear model.
The Unmaking of an Athlete
The Unmaking of an Athlete
I sometimes wonder if there are any prerequisites at all to getting a job as college strength and conditioning coach.
Strength and No Holds Barred Fighting
Strength and No Holds Barred Fighting
“Strength is an essential component of all human performance and its formal development can no longer be neglected in the preparation of any athlete”
The Socratic Method
The Socratic Method
One of the first pressing, inquisitive minds who stepped on the face of this earth was Socrates.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
The individual control and systematic manipulation of volumetric management is largely dependant upon the proper integration of critical training variables.
Super Compensation
Super Compensation
The reason to couple super compensation work with training work is simple, gain a reciprocative function of the fatigue-frequency relationship more often in a training stage.
Workout Wisdom
Workout Wisdom
When planning a training protocol, one must take into account the value of work administered in terms of function and time.
Barbell Bullshit
Barbell Bullshit
Maybe it’s because I found out the hard way that you must vent information through a screen door in order to attain measurable improvements every training session in the real world. Maybe it’s because I have been doing research lately on American training strategies and I got a swift kick of deja vu.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
The training process must include a critical and determined degree of fatigue, followed by an appropriate duration to which Reserve Strength may be elicited.
Training High School Athletes
Training High School Athletes
One of the most asked questions throughout the day was “What would you have done differently, if you knew what you know now?” And though I answered the question as best I could, I couldn’t help but rethink the question over and over.
General Training Journal For High School Field Athletes
General Training Journal For High School Field Athletes
When discussing training, there are many things to consider, such as speed work, building absolute strength, improving form, raising work capacity, recuperation, and selecting exercises and rotating them them in proper sequence to avoid adaptation.
Westside and the Log Press
Westside and the Log Press
Get fast and slam a big log up overhead. As an added bonus your bench will go up too.
Pick Your Poison
Pick Your Poison
This article is all about you, as a unique individual, training for your goals and based on your needs.
Swinging at Bad Pitches
Swinging at Bad Pitches
What do you call it when someone makes a bonehead mistake in training? I am going to muster up all of my will power and be nice this time as I liken it to the baseball player that has fallen prone to poor pitch selection- swinging at bad pitches
Westside Training and Football
Westside Training and Football
The other day I got off the phone with a friend of mine who coaches college football. I told him that I had recently consulted with Dave Tate about applying the Westside principles for a college football player

49 Item(s)