How Endurance Training Can Enhance Strength Performance
How Endurance Training Can Enhance Strength Performance
Daniel DeBrocke explains various strategies to gradually increase aerobic capacity while preserving specificity in your strength training.
Conjugate x Conditioning Tactical Athlete Programming
Conjugate x Conditioning Tactical Athlete Programming
Let’s boil down program design for the tactical athlete into five main categories: peak sustainability, stress management, [click for more].
Solving the Conditioning Paradox
Solving the Conditioning Paradox
Bigger players often suffer from a lack of condition—they need size to execute their skill set yet run the risk of overuse-related injuries.
Going Back to Where We Started
Going Back to Where We Started
I cherry-picked the best of the best from twenty-plus years of programming. Here’s how our football players trained this summer.
Become a Faster Competitor with This Program
Become a Faster Competitor with This Program
In this program, you will use strength and conditioning, and all of the gears in between to be an energy-efficient player. Consider this an extension of my sumo deadlift article published in January of 2021.
Understanding Energy Systems for Freak Conditioning
Understanding Energy Systems for Freak Conditioning
When it comes to conditioning, we need to consider how fast our systems can produce ATP, how long we can produce it for, and how efficiently your body can utilize the ATP being produced. To do that, here’s what we need to do.
Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Here’s an excellent example of how to place extra workouts in a weekly off-season football training schedule along with what an extra workout accomplishes (or should).
How to Safely Train Every Day During Quarantine
How to Safely Train Every Day During Quarantine
For those who currently aren’t working and also have limited gym equipment, I wanted to provide a potential gameplan that you can use to bring some routine and mental/physical stability to your day-to-day.
From Meathead to Streethead
From Meathead to Streethead
I quizzed Mitch to uncover some of the keys to his transition from a resistance training focus to a largely conditioning focus – from a max bodyweight of 235 to a lean bodyweight of 165.
Loaded Carries for Box Athletes
Loaded Carries for Box Athletes
Loaded carries are so effective that you won’t find one program that we offer that does not include them on the regular.
Conditioning 101
Conditioning 101
With everyone constantly pushing the envelope with tons of volume and intensity for extended periods, I felt that it was important to shed some light on this topic to slow down the burnout and chronic fatigue we’re seeing these days.
Programming the Overly Complex Needs Assessment
Programming the Overly Complex Needs Assessment
Stepping away from collegiate strength and conditioning, I’ve had time to reflect. In this article, I’ll delve into programming — the good and the ugly. Program-wise, exactly what are your goals?
RPE Method for the Max Effort Lane
RPE Method for the Max Effort Lane
Believe it or not, sometimes max effort work is not the best option. Here are a few scenarios where that may be the case as well as what you can do to fill in the gaps where the max effort method would be.
We Pick Things Up and We Put Them Down
We Pick Things Up and We Put Them Down
A coach once asked me, “Why do you lift?” My reply: “If aliens landed here and saw a basketball game going on, they wouldn’t have any clue what was happening. But if they saw lifting, they could at least wrap their heads around what they were seeing.”
Selecting Appropriate Exercises for Youth Athletes
Selecting Appropriate Exercises for Youth Athletes
Parents are understandably worried about their children starting strength training. Ease their minds by selecting appropriate exercises for their kids.
Opportunity Over Money
Opportunity Over Money
I’ll take an amazing opportunity over high pay for $500, Alex…
How My Programming's Improved Over the Years
How My Programming's Improved Over the Years
I love and hate programming. When I’m doing research and reading stuff, my brain goes a million miles per hour. Of course, everything I read seems like the greatest idea ever, so I have to dial it down, but I’ve gotten better at it over the years, and it shows.
To Hell With Ankle Mobility...
To Hell With Ankle Mobility...
In the strength industry, we’re putting too much emphasis on the side dishes. We’re combining the main course and the dessert. When’s the last time you smeared your cupcake frosting over your fat juicy steak and mushrooms?!
Applying The French Contrast Method to Beginners
Applying The French Contrast Method to Beginners
As with all great articles and ideas, this one was inspired… by a controversial tweet. Rather than rail against the idea that newbies shouldn’t use the French Contrast Method, I argue that this training method actually may be suitable for beginners in some situations.
WATCH: Matt Rhodes' Problems with Sports Coaches
WATCH: Matt Rhodes' Problems with Sports Coaches
Strength coaches have a lot of problems to deal with. Some of those problems come from the strength coaches themselves, but don’t even get him started on the sports coaches… too late, though. We got him talking about them.
7 Items Rugby Players (and I) Can't Lift Without
7 Items Rugby Players (and I) Can't Lift Without
I am seeing that the specific injuries that are inherent in rugby need a modified program that’s not using traditional training equipment to get results, so here are 7 of my non-traditional tools of the trade.
What You Will Gain From a Strength and Conditioning Internship
What You Will Gain From a Strength and Conditioning Internship
You’ll learn a lot from your strength and conditioning internship — but there are some things you might glean over. Keep these points in mind, and you’ll get even more out of your internship than you thought possible.
My Biggest Mistakes as a Strength and Conditioning Coach
My Biggest Mistakes as a Strength and Conditioning Coach
These are just a few of my mistakes, and I’ve made many more than the ones listed here. Remember, mistakes are just lessons, so if you haven’t made any mistakes, you haven’t learned any lessons.
Collegiate vs. Private Sector Strength and Conditioning with Brian Bott
Collegiate vs. Private Sector Strength and Conditioning with Brian Bott
What are the pros and cons of being a strength coach at the collegiate level or in the private sector? The similarities? The differences? Coach Brian Bott, former University of Wisconsin strength coach-turned-founder of Sports AdvantEDGE, tells all in an interview.
Don't Be Afraid to Try
Don't Be Afraid to Try
A self-made millionaire once told me that we all have great ideas; it’s just that 99% of people don’t act on them. Those words came to mind this summer when I took the largest step I’ve ever taken out of my comfort zone…
6 Keys to Starting A High School Strength and Conditioning Program
6 Keys to Starting A High School Strength and Conditioning Program
When starting a high school strength and conditioning program, be sure to implement rules early on and communicate clearly… and those are only a handful of things to get your program off the ground running.
Why You Should Never Box Squat Your Athletes
Why You Should Never Box Squat Your Athletes
You know, we hear coaches complain about their athletes’ excuses… but let me tell you, coaches can be just as bad. Case in point: The excuses coaches make for not making their kids do box squats.
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
I’ve been told I do a good job of being a heretic of the strength and conditioning coach profession, so I might as well keep it up and stir the pot with some of my hot takes on sumo deadlifts, box squatting, and more.
Build a Professional Rugby Team Through This Academy Program
Build a Professional Rugby Team Through This Academy Program
I am currently working as a consultant for a pro rugby team, and I was asked about the type of player I would require moving into a pro team. Fair warning: What I wrote here may be considered heretical in the strength and conditioning world…
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the Sport of Powerlifting
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the ...
Over the last few years, I’ve had more time to visit some major universities and professional teams and talk shop with some very good strength and conditioning coaches, and these are some of the trends we’ve noticed in the weight room and think powerlifters should start implementing.
The Travels of a Strength and Conditioning Coach — Jonathan Leitch's Story
The Travels of a Strength and Conditioning Coach — Jonathan Leitch'...
I quit my personal trainer job to become a strength and conditioning coach. I lived in my car, slept on a couch, and I even had a raccoon living in my apartment wall at one point. But all of these struggles and sacrifices were worth it.
The Definition of Insanity
The Definition of Insanity
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again to get a different result. That pretty much sums up the strength and conditioning industry, doesn’t it?
45 Minutes or Your Money Back
45 Minutes or Your Money Back
Someone once told me when it came to programming, their objective was to be able to get as much bang for your buck as possible. That stuck with me, so I ensure my programs are of good quality and don’t last more than 45 minutes.
Conditioning Without Running
Conditioning Without Running
Stop killing kids by making them run so much. Stop running them into the ground with running… and in general, stop it. It defeats the purposes of building them up.
Off-Season Conditioning Lanes
Off-Season Conditioning Lanes
These off-season lane options are meant to keep them in the ballpark of being in game shape without beating the crap out of them. They don’t have to be ready all the time; just ready to get ready. If you think they are not sport-specific enough or intense enough, that’s why.
WATCH: Matt Rhodes on Getting His Foot Through the Door
WATCH: Matt Rhodes on Getting His Foot Through the Door
“People I knew got my foot in the door, and I got myself through the door.” Morehead State strength and conditioning coach Matt Rhodes shares his story of how he made his way into the collegiate strength and conditioning world.
The Best Conjugate Training Plan
The Best Conjugate Training Plan
If you understand the conjugate method, can devote 4 to 5 hours of training per week, not competing in sports but is trying to look and feel better, boy, have I got the perfect program for you!
Motivation vs. Discipline
Motivation vs. Discipline
Whenever I ask for topics people want to learn about in my column, “how to stay motivated” is always at the top of the list. Motivation is in high demand: you see it all over Instagram in memes, pictures, and captions. Despite the high demand, it sure seems like it’s in short supply….
Guidelines For Injury-Free Progress: Controlling Intensity
Guidelines For Injury-Free Progress: Controlling Intensity
“If I train strength and conditioning at the same time, will both suffer?” Unless you are taxing your recovery or training in completely disparate ways, you can train both domains. Here are a few ways you can do that.
Safe Sport Act Update: Keep Your Gym Up to Code
Safe Sport Act Update: Keep Your Gym Up to Code
Gym owners: Here's a quick reminder that the Safe Sport Act will extend to your businesses starting December 1st, 2020. Not sure about the requirements? Listen to this Two-Brain Business podcast episode for a refresher course.
LISTEN: The Iron Life Podcast #7 with Joe DeFranco
LISTEN: The Iron Life Podcast #7 with Joe DeFranco
In The Iron Life Podcast #7, Chris Tutela talks with world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Joe DeFranco about success, programming, things trainers should never do, and more.
Xpress Fitness: Your Family-Friendly Neighborhood Gym
Xpress Fitness: Your Family-Friendly Neighborhood Gym
Xpress Fitness, located less than 2 miles away from the elitefts S5 Compound, is a product of support from the rural London, Ohio, community at all levels: family, friends, neighbors, and businesses, all built strong from the ground up.
Comfort Zones are Death Zones
Comfort Zones are Death Zones
As I start up my new job, I wanted to give younger strength and conditioning coaches some advice: Don’t be afraid to spread your wings and fly out of your comfort zone. Be bold and be brave. It will pay off at some point.
A Fair Assessment of the CSCCa and NSCA
A Fair Assessment of the CSCCa and NSCA
Not sure if you should attend the NSCA Coaches’ Conference or the CSCCa National Conference? Which exam to take? Take a look at some of the pros and cons of each organization and figure out which is best for you.
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
A few years ago, I attempted to bring 4 strength sports together into a training plan for rugby. This time, I want to delve deeper into the framework that makes up the programming of these sports and how we can program them into a usable athletic development plan.
Heavy Bag Split Squat Functional Position Series
Heavy Bag Split Squat Functional Position Series
Hugging a 40-pound bag of salt while doing a rear leg elevated split squat might not sound like hard or heavy work, but this is an exercise that’s helped even some of the world’s best powerlifters reach their full potential.
Why Sports Coaches Don't Trust Strength Coaches
Why Sports Coaches Don't Trust Strength Coaches
The suggested strategy to build trust from the sports coach involves a particular approach to the strength and conditioning process. A natural consequence of this approach defines the scope of practice of strength and conditioning.
Top-3 Cardio Options for the Powerlifter, Strongman, Bodybuilder, and Athlete
Top-3 Cardio Options for the Powerlifter, Strongman, Bodybuilder, and At...
Cardio can help you cut weight, get shredded for the stage, and increase athletes’ performance. But with so much cardio out there, where do you start? Start here with elitefts team members’ top-3 cardio items, based on their sports or areas of expertise.
Take the Red Pill
Take the Red Pill
Here’s a red pill for you to swallow: The conjugate system is like an XL shirt that fits differently on different people. With a few modifications, that shirt can be made to fit just about anyone. Same goes for the program in this article.
How to Improve Box Programming
How to Improve Box Programming
Consider how your clients are responding to stress and the demands of your program and what we need to consider to devise a better plan. That’s how we’ll improve this sport.
LISTEN: Beyond Sets and Reps Podcast #3 with Dr. Bryan Mann
LISTEN: Beyond Sets and Reps Podcast #3 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Get to know Dr. Bryan Mann, from his humble beginnings to his current position at the University of Miami, and how he became one of the leading experts on Velocity Based Training.
Gym Rats Rejoice: Tennessee Repeals Amusement Tax on Gym Memberships
Gym Rats Rejoice: Tennessee Repeals Amusement Tax on Gym Memberships
Tennessee just took a load off gym owners' shoulders by repealing a $10 million amusement tax on gym memberships. The law will go into effect on July 1st.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate Breakdown
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate ...
Conjugate. You keep using that word. We do not think it means what you think it means. Why is conjugate training so hard to understand? It’s not! In fact, because it’s so easy to understand, Jim Wendler can explain it in two minutes. Two minutes! It’s that simple.
The Specific Demands and Application of Conditioning for Sports
The Specific Demands and Application of Conditioning for Sports
With all the knowledge we have available to us, you would think that we have gotten past the idea that distance running will get an athlete in shape for any sport. So how should we program for athletes? Sport-specific? Sort of. In order to approach something that is actually sport-specific, we must take into account the actual demands of the
Cal Poly Promotes Sara MacKenzie as Director of Strength and Conditioning
Cal Poly Promotes Sara MacKenzie as Director of Strength and Conditioning
Sara MacKenzie was promoted to Director of Strength and Conditioning at Cal Poly, making her the second woman who holds that position among all NCAA Division I schools with football programs.
Why Strength Training is Equally Important as Conditioning (With Template)
Why Strength Training is Equally Important as Conditioning (With Template)
For the record, I’m not writing this article to bash box programming; I’m writing this to present an alternative way of doing things while STILL utilizing the best aspects of box programming. Our strength training model is what we’ve used with nearly 20,000 athletes (in a group setting) worldwide with great success.
The Misunderstanding of Sport-Specific Training
The Misunderstanding of Sport-Specific Training
Running around and practicing soccer skills while wearing a weighted vest, attaching a band to a hockey stick or a baseball bat, and a myriad of other ridiculous activities in the weight room do not count as sport-specific activities.
Try This On for Size
Try This On for Size
It all started about two weeks post-Arnold, when I secured my second win back-to-back. I did what I’d always done—push the limits, take drugs, and eat food.
When to Back it Down
When to Back it Down
Do you know when to push? How about when to back it down?

Items 1 to 59 of 193 total
