A Strength and Conditioning Program for Youth Figure Skating
A Strength and Conditioning Program for Youth Figure Skating
This program is used for athletes ranging in age from 10 to 14 years and is based on specific goals in the primer, strength, conditioning, prehabilitation, and regeneration phases.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The 10-Week Update Discussion
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The 10-Week Update Discussion
Dr. Rusin returns to the elitefts headquarters to get an update on Dave's progress through two training phases.
3 Time-Efficient Assistance Work Circuits to Get You Stronger and in Better Shape
3 Time-Efficient Assistance Work Circuits to Get You Stronger and in Bet...
These assistance work circuits are designed to be done after main strength work (primary and supplemental movements) and provide a time-efficient way to work for hypertrophy, muscular endurance, and basic conditioning.
Programming for the Strongman Deadlift
Programming for the Strongman Deadlift
The deadlift program I’m going to outline will prepare you for both a heavy event and a high rep event. This will be perfect for those in strongman that are not given events for a specific contest.
Energy System Specific Sled Conditioning Work
Energy System Specific Sled Conditioning Work
With intelligent programming, you can use the sled to target each energy system without interfering with your current training program, and in the process enhance recovery, improve conditioning, and lose body fat.
WATCH: Table Talk — The Three Best Conditioning Tools for Powerlifters
WATCH: Table Talk — The Three Best Conditioning Tools for Powerlifters
Conditioning doesn’t have to be complicated or require expensive equipment. These are the best options for a powerlifter.
Weapons of Metabolic Disruption
Weapons of Metabolic Disruption
This compilation of training sessions is drawn from the minds of many great coaches, and includes initial and periodic testing to ensure intensity and distance per session challenge the metabolic systems of the athletes.
High-Density Training for Fat Loss and Conditioning
High-Density Training for Fat Loss and Conditioning
These high-density training protocols are the holy grails of body composition training. Here are the best ones to get you started.
The 10 Fat Loss Commandments
The 10 Fat Loss Commandments
These guidelines can be used by anyone looking to melt off body fat.
What to Do As A Novice Strongman — Writing Your Own Program
What to Do As A Novice Strongman — Writing Your Own Program
You need a lot in a strongman program: basic barbell lifts, accessory work, practice with the events, conditioning, flexibility, mobility, and recovery work. Use these ideas to build your own training program.
Physical Preparation Guidelines Every Firefighter Should Follow
Physical Preparation Guidelines Every Firefighter Should Follow
Your job is your playing field and you need to prepare your body for game situations through proper training, nutrition and hydration, along with preventative maintenance and recovery.
Beyond the Barbell
Beyond the Barbell
For most powerlifters, exercise begins and ends with the barbell. What if I told you there were ways to get better without it?
Operation Be Less Fat: A Year In Review
Operation Be Less Fat: A Year In Review
I started 2015 with a plan. Like most plans, it had to change throughout the year. I learned a lot and have even more to accomplish.
Conditioning for the Gridiron Warrior
Conditioning for the Gridiron Warrior
What good is that 500-pound squat if you’re taking a knee in the fourth quarter desperately gasping for air?
The Pyramids of Giza: A Prowler Challenge
The Pyramids of Giza: A Prowler Challenge
This three-part competitive conditioning challenge will leave you searching for a puke bucket. Can you handle it?
16 Methods to Optimize Your Glute Ham Raise
16 Methods to Optimize Your Glute Ham Raise
We have known for years that the Glute Ham Raise (GHR) was regarded as one the best movements for the posterior chain (lower back, glutes, hamstrings and calves).
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
3-Week Cycle of Off-Season Volume Fun
We’ve had great success devoting three weeks to volume in transition from and to competition prep with this 2-on/1-off/2-on/weekend-off setup.
Speed and Conditioning for the Youth Athlete
Speed and Conditioning for the Youth Athlete
This sample one-week program outlines training tactics for developing basic fundamental movement skills.
4 Essential Qualities of A Badass Wrestler
4 Essential Qualities of A Badass Wrestler
If you want to be elite in this sport, there are distinct qualities you must possess. This is my guide to identifying and training those traits.
Mobility Basics for Sticky Hips
Mobility Basics for Sticky Hips
It’s time to roll out a mat and put down the sandwich for a few minutes while we go through some joint greasing.
Acceleration Triumphs for Baseball and Softball Athletes
Acceleration Triumphs for Baseball and Softball Athletes
This comprehensive guide to sprint training will give you the drills, dynamic movement patterns, and training tools to improve acceleration and athletic power.
Barely Making Weight and My Results from Team Universe
Barely Making Weight and My Results from Team Universe
The days leading up to my competition were full of challenges and stress. My coach John Meadows listened and helped me formulate a plan for this show and the future.
Is Cardio A Waste of Time?
Is Cardio A Waste of Time?
Cardio day. You spend what seems like hours on the treadmill like a bewildered hamster in hopes of losing that gut. Could long periods of cardio have a reverse negative effect on your body? Is there an easier way to accelerate the fat loss?
Under Pressure: Are Life Factors Influencing Your Training?
Under Pressure: Are Life Factors Influencing Your Training?
From your job, from your marriage, or from a loaded barbell, your body is going to revolt against stress. How will you adjust?
Have We Lost Trust in Our Foundation?
Have We Lost Trust in Our Foundation?
In your search of what is new and exciting, do not forget the principles that are proven to produce success.
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Bad information is passed from lifter to lifter, website to website. Let’s end the charade.
3 Commercial Gym Conditioning Workouts You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less
3 Commercial Gym Conditioning Workouts You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less
No time but need to shed some fat? These quick sessions will leave you in a puddle of sweat.
Pre-Season Training for the Part-Time Athlete
Pre-Season Training for the Part-Time Athlete
This program outline gives you the ability to insert the gym-based training, conditioning, and specialized development that addresses your individual pre-season needs.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Supplements, Training, and Posing
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Supplements, Training, and P...
Now that you’ve committed to this tiring, sometimes painful process, there are several things to remember to make this experience achievable.
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Like no other sport in America, football relies on a productive off-season to dominate in the fall.
Corrective Work: The Overlooked Necessity for a Long Competitive Career
Corrective Work: The Overlooked Necessity for a Long Competitive Career
You may not know it yet, but you need corrective work—your longevity depends on it.
Training Energy Systems for Boxing Success
Training Energy Systems for Boxing Success
Extended miles of road work may not be the best for developing late-round power. Boost your in-the-ring performance with these energy system tips.
Laying Down the Foundation for Boxing Victory
Laying Down the Foundation for Boxing Victory
Solid principles for pound-for-pound power.
The Complete Aerobic Conditioning Guide for Field Sports
The Complete Aerobic Conditioning Guide for Field Sports
Field sports are characterized by a somewhat stop-start nature, varying movement speeds, multiple changes of direction and the execution of decisions and individual skills under conditions of game pressure and/or fatigue and in the case of some of those sports, the threat of imminent collisions.
How to Dial in Your Bodybuilding Condition
How to Dial in Your Bodybuilding Condition
This is the introduction of my journey, explaining the training and nutrition I am implementing, to complete my goal of winning the overall at a National-qualifier.
Kettlebells for Conditioning and Strength
Kettlebells for Conditioning and Strength
Build conditioning, power and athleticism with simple and easy-to-learn kettlebell workouts.
SPTS Weekend: Principles of Increasing Sprint Speed
SPTS Weekend: Principles of Increasing Sprint Speed
Athletes sprint. They accelerate and change direction. Joe DeFranco can tell you how to be better at all of this.
Elitefts™ 4x1 Prowler® Circuit
Elitefts™ 4x1 Prowler® Circuit
Try this Prowler Circuit if you are on a short track with confined space
Survive Any Situation
Survive Any Situation
Whether your goal is success in combat or success in life, this strategies will guide you for: “Training Smarter to Operate Harder”.
S&C Industry Leaders Talk Shop
S&C Industry Leaders Talk Shop
What happens when three of the most influential coaches sit down at the elitefts compound?
Mark Dugdale's Last Week Conditioning Hacks
Mark Dugdale's Last Week Conditioning Hacks
When it becomes time to step on stage, these tips and tricks add the final bit of refinement to a pro-level champion.
Dizenzo's 900-Pound Bench Program
Dizenzo's 900-Pound Bench Program
This month's bench-building program will drive your gains into The Vincent Zone.
Extra Workouts for College Athletes
Extra Workouts for College Athletes
Use extra workouts to aid with recovery, build work capacity, and to address weak points.
Developing an Athlete's Aerobic Capacity
Developing an Athlete's Aerobic Capacity
It’s not about running your athletes into the ground.
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Are you an athlete struggling with off-season fat gain? Ashley Jones has the program for you.
Programming for Young Baseball Athletes
Programming for Young Baseball Athletes
Baseball players tend to be a part of those particular athletes that do not see the connection of increased strength and power with increased performance on the field.
Prowler Pyramids
Prowler Pyramids
Love the prowler or hate it.
Conditioning to Develop the Physically Dominant Rugby Player
Conditioning to Develop the Physically Dominant Rugby Player
Depending on the position you play, the type and level of fitness that you require may differ.
Dave Tate and Julia Ladewski on Sport Training (part 1)
Dave Tate and Julia Ladewski on Sport Training (part 1)
Dave Tate and Julia Ladewski talk athletic training.
Our Salute
Our Salute
“The Nation today needs men who think in terms of service to their country and not in terms of their country’s debt to them.” –General Omar Bradley
The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
No matter what sport you compete in, you’ll probably agree that conditioning plays a huge factor in how an athlete performs. If athletes aren’t conditioned properly, they’ll never achieve peak performance in their sport.
The Secret to Increasing Strength & Conditioning
The Secret to Increasing Strength & Conditioning
Are you stuck and can’t seem to find a way to break though to the next level? Read on…
Sledgehammer Conditioning for Athletes and Weekend Warriors
Sledgehammer Conditioning for Athletes and Weekend Warriors
The tool of demolition workers and superheroes.
Constructing a Strength and Conditioning Program for College Hockey
Constructing a Strength and Conditioning Program for College Hockey
When developing the strength and explosiveness program for the University of Pittsburgh men’s hockey team, there were several factors I had to take into consideration as a coach. Hopefully my experience thus far will help you in similar situations.
How I Train
How I Train
Anyway, this is what’s been working like a charm for me. If anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to clarify whatever you need.
Five Ways to Improve 'On the Field' Speed
Five Ways to Improve 'On the Field' Speed
Not only does speed kill, it wins games and wins championships.

Items 60 to 118 of 193 total