Test Yourself: Strength and Conditioning Standards for the Martial Arts
Test Yourself: Strength and Conditioning Standards for the Martial Arts
This article is aimed at mixed martial artists and those wishing to make that transition into mixed martial arts (MMA).
Why You Need More Power
Why You Need More Power
Power, as it relates to strength and conditioning, is an often misunderstood concept for everyday lifters.
Five Football Conditioning Workouts for Offensive and Defensive Linemen
Five Football Conditioning Workouts for Offensive and Defensive Linemen
There are still way too many football teams that base their entire conditioning program around jogging or jogging-related running.
Get Metabolic
Get Metabolic
Again, you will complete all of the reps and move into the next exercise as quickly as possible
TUFFEN Up Your Conditioning
TUFFEN Up Your Conditioning
Want to know how to get more out of your athletes in their conditioning sessions and maybe more time in the gym, too?
Partner Training: A Different Approach to MMA Strength and Conditioning
Partner Training: A Different Approach to MMA Strength and Conditioning
What’s going on “upstairs” allows you to utilize your physical skills to the best of your ability.
Top Six Ways to Increase Your Sprint Speed
Top Six Ways to Increase Your Sprint Speed
If your athlete is running with his arms swinging from side to side, he is suffering from teenage kid syndrome.
Core Competencies
Core Competencies
Carson discusses the two core competencies—breathing and rolling—that he believes are most important when developing athletes in any discipline.
 No Prowler? No Problem!
No Prowler? No Problem!
About two years ago, I developed an unhealthy relationship.
 Conditioning—When and How?
Conditioning—When and How?
Now that football season is coming to an end, many kids are looking to get stronger and faster for next season.
It’s Not a Race for Last
It’s Not a Race for Last
It was during the conditioning portion of my son’s football practice that I heard one of the greatest motivational lines I’ve heard in my 34 years of playing sports and coaching.
 Six Ways to Use Sandbags in Your Football Strength and Conditioning Program
Six Ways to Use Sandbags in Your Football Strength and Conditioning Pro...
Here are six ways to easily implement sandbags into your football strength and conditioning program.
Explosive Upper Body Training for Football Lineman
Explosive Upper Body Training for Football Lineman
“I tell ya. His legs are as strong as an ox, but he throws a punch like a 7-year old girl!”
 Introduction to Preparing Athletes for the Challenging Sport of Rugby Union
Introduction to Preparing Athletes for the Challenging Sport of Rugby U...
For those not familiar with the sport, rugby union is a professional, widespread sport in Europe and countries in the southern hemisphere (Australia).
Econo Prowler Review
Econo Prowler Review
Team DOS just received the new Econo Prowler a couple months ago with the intent of using the hell out of it.
 The BS of the Strength and Conditioning Field
The BS of the Strength and Conditioning Field
This article isn’t going to make me any friends, but hopefully it will open the eyes of some people and help them look outside their fields of thought and expand their thinking. During the last seventeen years, I’ve been exposed to several concepts and ideas as they pertain to strength and conditioning, including Olympic lifting, powerlifting, core training, assessment based
Three Football Speed Training Myths Busted
Three Football Speed Training Myths Busted
Where the hell did we go so wrong when it comes to football speed training? When did it become acceptable to pass off the hard work that entails training for football speed and replace it with fairly easy cone drills and gadgets?
 So You Wanna Be a Fighter: Part 2
So You Wanna Be a Fighter: Part 2
Let’s be very clear—I don’t know shit. Not about constructing the ultimate training paradigm, not about recovery, and certainly not about conditioning. But what I do know is that I love physical training, and I have a great passion for learning about the strength and conditioning field.
 Strength and Conditioning for High School Hockey
Strength and Conditioning for High School Hockey
I don’t care for the term “sport-specific.” To me, this buzzword is a clever way to market strength and conditioning programs to parents who don’t know any better.
Strongman Training for Rugby
Strongman Training for Rugby
Rugby is a fast-paced game that requires athletes to pass, kick, tackle, and run. All 15 players on the field need to be competent in these very different areas.
 Proper Sprinting Mechanics of the 40
Proper Sprinting Mechanics of the 40
Coaches on various levels are trying to find the latest workouts to improve strength and speed in their athletes.
 Interview with Jeremy Frey
Interview with Jeremy Frey
I first started lifting when I was about 11-years-old. I started doing little things before this time, but I entered a weight room when I was about 11-years-old.
Bridge the Gap: Sprint-Resisted Training
Bridge the Gap: Sprint-Resisted Training
“Heredity only deals the cards; environment and training plays the hand”(1). It’s possible for an athlete to improve in every phase of playing speed, whether it be maximum miles per hour, stopping and starting, feinting, faking and cutting, or multi-directional high speed acceleration with a complete “holistic” speed development plan (1). Genetically gifted athletes may be fast with little work
 The Biggest Gimmick in Strength and Conditioning
The Biggest Gimmick in Strength and Conditioning
I’ve been to a ton of seminars in the past year, and every single time I came away confused on the most effective way to design a strength and conditioning program for high school athletes. One of the most conflicting methods used when talking about speed training is overspeed.
Predictor Lifts for the Grappling Sports
Predictor Lifts for the Grappling Sports
For every sport, there are certain key lifts that when performed by the athlete will tell you how well he or she will do in the sport. Once a predictor lift is improved, it will correlate with an improvement in performance.
 Ten Tips to Improve Your Football Training
Ten Tips to Improve Your Football Training
If we all simply followed this one, there’d be better results and more time for real training. Jogging has no place in a football training program. None. Not as a warm up, not as a cool down, and definitely not as punishment
 Echocardiography Evidence of Cardiac Output Training
Echocardiography Evidence of Cardiac Output Training
About 7 years ago, I managed to free myself from the commercial gym mess and train at home, but I used this as an excuse to neglect my cardio training since I didn’t have any pieces of cardio equipment. Working in the medical field, you would think I’d know better.
 Off-Season Soccer Strength
Off-Season Soccer Strength
In recent years, strength and conditioning has became more and more popular among the soccer populations. The benefits have been seen in many other sports, and it’s finally showing up in soccer.
Speed Development for High School Athletes, Part I
Speed Development for High School Athletes, Part I
National high school signing day was February 4, 2009. After listening to all the “gurus” discuss recruiting, one thing stood out—speed.
Triple Extension Movements for Football Using Strongman Training
Triple Extension Movements for Football Using Strongman Training
When you watch the world’s strongest man contests on television, it should be obvious that these athletes are not only aggressive, fast, explosive, athletic, and flexible, but they have a great anaerobic threshold.
Two Reasons Why Your Muscles Want Super Fast Carbs
Two Reasons Why Your Muscles Want Super Fast Carbs
It may be due to my recent bout of carbophobia, but whenever I was asked about carbohydrate use for strength athletes, I’d shrug my shoulders and say, “eat more protein.”
 Dietary Fat Loading for Destroying Body Fat (Part 1)
Dietary Fat Loading for Destroying Body Fat (Part 1)
Up to a point, every strength athlete is better off leaner. Depending on the sport, there is a level of being too lean, but few reach this unfamiliar territory, especially powerlifters.
Extreme Hamstrings: High-Tension Hamstring Training
Extreme Hamstrings: High-Tension Hamstring Training
Hamstring injuries are common among sprinters. One of the biggest challenges that I face as a strength coach is helping an athlete overcome a hamstring injury and at the same time improving performance.
 Extreme Hamstrings: High-Tension Hamstring Training
Extreme Hamstrings: High-Tension Hamstring Training
Hamstring injuries are common among sprinters. One of the biggest challenges that I face as a strength coach is helping an athlete overcome a hamstring injury and at the same time improving performance.
 Strongman Versus Power Cleans for Football, Part 3: (How to Integrate Strongman into Your Training)
Strongman Versus Power Cleans for Football, Part 3: (How to Integrate S...
At this point, we’ve discovered how Strongman training can be a viable substitute for Olympic weightlifting to develop brutally strong football players who not only display explosive physical capacities but have explosive attitudes as well. If you’re anything like me, you’ve become excited at the prospect of training your athletes with the fun and highly effective exercises like tractor tire
 Making the Switch from Powerlifting to Fighting, Part II
Making the Switch from Powerlifting to Fighting, Part II
There’s no question that strength is a huge asset in any sport. In “Making the Switch from Powerlifting to Fighting, Part I,” we established the carryover of strength developed specifically for the platform. It can relate to fighting in a big way. Clearly, there are changes that need to be made to harness this strength and make it useful on
An Interview with Pat Ivey, Assistant Athletics Director, Athletic Performance, Missouri Tigers
An Interview with Pat Ivey, Assistant Athletics Director, Athletic Perfo...
It might seem like I’ve been doing many interviews lately. There’s good reason for this. A few weeks ago, I did an interview for EliteFTS, and I was asked the question, “Who do you feel is getting it done in strength and conditioning?”
 Don’t Forget the Basics
Don’t Forget the Basics
As a college strength and conditioning coach for nine years, I’ve come across many different types of training programs, and I’ve used many different types of training when working with my athletes. The one thing I’ve learned is that most programs and coaches usually try and put the cart before the horse, doing too much too early and forgetting the
 So You Wanna Be a Fighter?: Part One
So You Wanna Be a Fighter?: Part One
It’s been a while since I’ve contributed an article to this site and so much has changed.
 Off-Ice Conditioning for Hockey Players
Off-Ice Conditioning for Hockey Players
For years, coaches have been failing to attain maximum results when putting their hockey players on an off-ice conditioning program. Much of this comes from misunderstandings. Typically, an unknowing coach will put far too much emphasis on aerobic training despite its near uselessness in hockey specific conditioning. For example, timed miles, which I have performed as a player and have
The Econo Prowler: A Review
The Econo Prowler: A Review
You might puke. But you’ll definitely get better.
Interview with Strength Coach Todd Hamer
Interview with Strength Coach Todd Hamer
Todd Hamer is the head strength and conditioning coach at Robert Morris University.
Life of a Cyclone Wrestler
Life of a Cyclone Wrestler
I wake up at the crack of dawn, put on my sweats, suck down a shake, and I’m out the door. Time to hit the road. It’s early. It’s dark. It’s cold. But I can feel only one thing—my adrenaline pumping as “Eye of the Tiger” pumps through my headphones.
Carb Cycling for MMA Fighters
Carb Cycling for MMA Fighters
As MMA fighters, we’re constantly looking for ways to improve our game. We sharpen our skills, improve our conditioning, and increase our strength, all with the goal of being better warriors. However, many of us fail to take advantage of a very important key to success in the ring (or cage)—optimal nutrition.
 Six of the Best Ways to Use Bands
Six of the Best Ways to Use Bands
Bands are nothing new to most coaches and trainers. They have quickly become one of the most versatile and effective training tools in a coach’s toolbox. Initially, many thought of them only as rehabilitation tools. However, Westside Barbell changed the perception of bands with its innovative techniques for using them for accommodating resistance.
 Seven Strength and Conditioning Tools for Firefighters, Part 1
Seven Strength and Conditioning Tools for Firefighters, Part 1
Have you ever grabbed one of those muscle magazines while waiting to check out at the supermarket and skimmed through it? They are filled with pictures and workouts of bodybuilders with awesome genetics who train with the primary purpose of looking good in a Speedo.
elitefts Nutrition Roundtable
elitefts Nutrition Roundtable
…with Jim Wendler, Mike Ruggiera, Tom Deebel, Julia Ladewski, Mark McLaughlin, Alwyn Cosgrove, Lance Mosely, James Smith, Brian Schwab, and Travis Mash
Metabolic Conditioning: One Size Does Not Fit All
Metabolic Conditioning: One Size Does Not Fit All
The concept of metabolic conditioning has to be without a doubt one of the most misunderstood topics in strength and conditioning today. It seems that every fitness guru has some different method for improving your “conditioning” with the aim of burning fat or improving performance for a specific sport. However, none of them really get to the heart of how
The Misconception
The Misconception
As a strength and conditioning coach, I feel there’s a duty not only to educate and learn from fellow sport-specific coaches on proper implementation of strength and conditioning programs but to educate and learn from the athletes as well.
30 Days Without Weights for Ultimate Strength, Conditioning, and Fat Loss
30 Days Without Weights for Ultimate Strength, Conditioning, and Fat Loss
Weight training over long periods of time can burn out athletes from all different sports. Whether he or she is a world class MMA fighter or your average Joe who wants to stay in shape, athletes can get bored with not only their current regimen but with lifting weights period. Most will just take some time off from the gym
Weight Room Efficiency
Weight Room Efficiency
We all know that you can spend all day lifting, conditioning, and running agility drills. There just isn’t enough time in the day whether we’re talking about a student athlete who has NCAA regulations on time spent strength training and conditioning or maybe even a professional athlete who has a hectic travel schedule mixed in with a personal life and
Intense Running Workouts
Intense Running Workouts
When I competed in track in 1988–1992, we did what we were told. I don’t know anything about “block training” or “CNS.” So I can’t give any educated advice on where these workouts fit into a training cycle. All I know is that they killed me, and I can’t imagine one or more of these workouts not being beneficial to
The Marc Bartley Undertaking: Helping Spud Drop Weight
The Marc Bartley Undertaking: Helping Spud Drop Weight
It was mid-October of 2007. Fear set in as I read my email…
Importance of Fast Twitch Capacity in Football Training
Importance of Fast Twitch Capacity in Football Training
With the beginning of football season, the long anticipated excitement for the early powerhouse match ups has finally arrived.
No Idea Is Original
No Idea Is Original
No idea’s original, there’s nothing new under the sun. It’s never what you do, but how it’s done. —the wise words of Nas
General Preparatory Classifications for Division 1 Football
General Preparatory Classifications for Division 1 Football
Although there are several different reasons for this, lack of time in the day is a large one (especially for the collegiate strength coach). Here at Northwestern State University (NSU), we developed a method for classifying our athletes to make their programs/training more individualized.
Fat Man Conditioning
Fat Man Conditioning
I’m a fat man at heart. I eat a lot. Five reps is “high-rep” work for me.
The Prowler
The Prowler
How many times have I read about lifters, ball players, and ex-athletes dying too soon?

Items 119 to 177 of 193 total