Fat Bar Extensions with Kettlebell
Category: Accessory
Muscles Targeted:Triceps
Now this is a new one and pretty strange. Everyone that has done this reports a huge amount of triceps activation.
So how is this done? First, you take a fat bar and place two KB's on either end. Just slip them over the sleeve of the barbell like you would a weight plate. Use some kind of clamp to hold them into place.
Have someone hand you the bar and perform an extension like you normally would. The KB offer a very differnt feel as they tend to move around quite a bit. Make sure you are very stable and tight when doing this.
The fat bar is a great addition to any extension movement. This is because it takes a lot of stress off of the forearms and elbows.
This is a great variation on extensions.
Do you have any chrome plated fat bar available as shown by the picture?