Kettlebell Training for Strength
Kettlebell Training for Strength
My goal was to safely train for the maximum strength a kettlebell could offer. Here’s how I improved grip, cardiovascular fitness, and GPP pain-free.
Kettlebell Compounds for Conditioning
Kettlebell Compounds for Conditioning
These multiple-movement sequences link a variety of kettlebell exercises for a full-body, more brutal and effective workout that can be done anywhere.
7 Items That'll Make You a MILF
7 Items That'll Make You a MILF
Use these items 20 minutes a day, every day, and you’ll be a MILF in no time.
The Most Underutilized Kettlebell Exercise You Should Be Doing
The Most Underutilized Kettlebell Exercise You Should Be Doing
We think of the Kettlebell Windmill as a largely upper body exercise, but I’d like to make a case that it’s one of the most underutilized exercises to promote hip loading and control bilaterally.
A Workout of the Day That'll Hammer Your Chest, Shoulder, and Tris
A Workout of the Day That'll Hammer Your Chest, Shoulder, and Tris
This workout left me hammered. Part of that’s on me for joining a co-ed indoor soccer team, and let’s just say bodybuilding and soccer don’t exactly mix. But that didn’t stop me from doing my Workout of the Day.
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
Do you seriously call that a squat? I’ve seen babies squat better than you! No, seriously, I have. Babies don’t know how to do the squat wrong! By the time your kids are toddling and in soccer camp, their squats start to fall apart. Here are the three things I do to correct athletes’ poor squats.
Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019
Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019
I still stand by my original Top 5 article series, but even I can admit it needed an update. So I expanded on the list I already had. The original articles were for assistance and accessory work. This series is for accessory work only. We’ll start things off this time with my 2019 accessory exercises for the squat.
Converting to Sumo Deadlifting: How I Made It Work for Me
Converting to Sumo Deadlifting: How I Made It Work for Me
Deadlifting is one of the oldest and hardest exercises around. It’s very simple—you just pick the bar up off the ground and stand up with it. Well, it’s not that easy for everyone.
Hands-On Kettlebell Mechanics Workshop—Learning in Full Swing
Hands-On Kettlebell Mechanics Workshop—Learning in Full Swing
What a day! The seminar totally surpassed my expectations.
Kettlebell Workshop With Experts Ken and Sheri Whetham
Kettlebell Workshop With Experts Ken and Sheri Whetham
As the date grows near, elitefts and the Whethams are excited to share expert knowledge on a highly-applicable training tool.
WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports
WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports
Implement these multi-functional and easy-to-learn movements into your team training for greater time efficiency in the weight room.
WATCH: Coaching Breakdown of Competitive Kettlebell Movements
WATCH: Coaching Breakdown of Competitive Kettlebell Movements
In another installment of the kettlebell video series, Ken and Sheri reach deeper into their pool of knowledge.
Ken Whetham Becomes Newest Elitefts Columnist
Ken Whetham Becomes Newest Elitefts Columnist
Regular contributor and powerlifting champion Ken Whetham has earned his spot with elitefts.
WATCH: Technical Demonstration of Competitive Kettlebell Sport
WATCH: Technical Demonstration of Competitive Kettlebell Sport
Two veterans of kettlebell sport walk you through the ass-kicking, heart-pounding, 10-minute event.
EPOC—The Secret to Fat Destruction
EPOC—The Secret to Fat Destruction
After years of competing as an IFBB pro, Dugdale has learned what will keep you thick while you shed fat.
The Kettlebell Swing for a Healthy Back
The Kettlebell Swing for a Healthy Back
Do those dusty kettlebells over in the corner of the gym have some proven, practical benefits for powerlifters?
Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press
Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press
Elitefts™ team member Chris Duffin is demonstrating how to perform a Kettlebell Bottom-Up Press.
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Set of upright rows with rope handle attached to a kettlebell. First half of the set with overhand grip and second with underhand grip
Ladders to Success
Ladders to Success
Ladders—get stronger, fitter, and faster, all without touching a treadmill or resting for light years between sets.
Tales of a Fit Mom: Overcome
Tales of a Fit Mom: Overcome
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.”
CK FMS - The Spud's Take
CK FMS - The Spud's Take
The kettlebell side is mostly skill and re-certification on all the basic moves plus that damn snatch test.
Fat Bar Extensions with Kettlebell (on floor)
Fat Bar Extensions with Kettlebell (on floor)
Now this is a new one and pretty strange.
1 Arm Swing (low back emphasis)
1 Arm Swing (low back emphasis)
Increase explosiveness of hip/back extension with low reps
One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press w/Bands
One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press w/Bands
These are an added variation to military pressing with kettlebells.
1-Arm Hang Position
1-Arm Hang Position
Situate the kettlebell between your legs
1-Arm Kettlebell Clean
1-Arm Kettlebell Clean
Perform from the Dead or Hang position
Prowler & Kettlebell Conditioning
Prowler & Kettlebell Conditioning
Working the prowler is downright brutal for conditioning and VERY applicable for combative athletes.
WTHIT Squats with Yoke Bar
First off we need to see what this really is and then break it down.
 Kettlebell Grip Strength
Kettlebell Grip Strength
The kettlebell is an amazing, completely versatile tool.
 An Introduction to the Sport of Kettlebell Lifting
An Introduction to the Sport of Kettlebell Lifting
By now, you should know what a kettlebell is, or at the very least, you should have heard of kettlebells. They are popping up everywhere, and you can even purchase them from your local sporting goods retailer. There are kettlebell fitness trainers, kettlebell boot camps, kettlebell gyms, and even kettlebell infomercials. Kettlebells certainly have broken into the mainstream. Some might
 Making the Switch from Powerlifting to Fighting, Part II
Making the Switch from Powerlifting to Fighting, Part II
There’s no question that strength is a huge asset in any sport. In “Making the Switch from Powerlifting to Fighting, Part I,” we established the carryover of strength developed specifically for the platform. It can relate to fighting in a big way. Clearly, there are changes that need to be made to harness this strength and make it useful on
Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I
Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I
Sports training or sports-specific training is a different beast than competitive powerlifting. However, the “Big Three” have a great impact on the overall strength and explosiveness of the athlete. The $1500 question is how to develop a strength and speed program to help athletes excel in their sport of choice.
Filling in the Holes, Part I
Filling in the Holes, Part I
Trends, fads, gimmicks…hell, they’re all part of the strength and conditioning industry.
Top Five Sandbag Drills
Top Five Sandbag Drills
Sandbags are an amazingly versatile tool. They’re unique in their feel, and some very different types of drills can be performed with them. The number one question that people ask me is “what are the best drills to perform with sandbags?” While that depends on various factors (i.e. goals, training level, etc.), there are some foundational drills that make sandbags
The Lineman’s Evolution
The Lineman’s Evolution
“The last part of progress is always easier than the next. Determination must be continually manufactured and tested.”
Sandbag Arsenal
Sandbag Arsenal
One of the biggest problems that we face in training today’s athletes is that they’re out of shape! Whether professional or amateur, many of these athletes come to their teams severely unconditioned. With physical education programs being cut from school curriculums and child obesity rising every year, we need to take a long hard look at the values that physical
Pop Goes the Weasel
Pop Goes the Weasel
Thoughts, mostly weird ones, tumble inside my head like sagebrush on the open prairie. So, it should come as no surprise that one day last spring, as I sat and pondered, I conjured up the bright idea to jump out of a 55-gallon barrel.
10 Reasons to Start the 3X3 Program
10 Reasons to Start the 3X3 Program
I’m a big fan of programs that focus on doing a few things very well. Complicated programs are rarely built to last and few trainees benefit from them.
Strongman for Athletic Strength and Conditioning
Strongman for Athletic Strength and Conditioning
The study of the science of strength and conditioning for sports is a huge endeavor. There are many differing opinions and many things that work. The key is to find out what works for your athlete based on his or her individual differences, strengths, weaknesses, and of course, sport.
Must Have Movements (Part Two)
Must Have Movements (Part Two)
Training doesn’t have to be complicated and neither does life. Yet many people WANT to make it complicated.
Workout Templates for Various Athletes
Workout Templates for Various Athletes
The body doesn’t know whether you’re doing higher-faster-sports, Westside, HIT, swiss ball, kettlebell, or any other system. It only knows stimulation and recovery.
Get Out of The Gym!
Get Out of The Gym!
After you spend an appreciable number of years in the weight room and only the weight room, you start to really look for ways to spice up your training program and get some results.
The High School Odyssey
The High School Odyssey
About 12 weeks ago, I started training with a local football player, Caleb Sexton.
Time Under Tension for Grapplers & MMA Fighters Part II
Time Under Tension for Grapplers & MMA Fighters Part II
I still get goose bumps when I think of how John Smith, two time Olympic Gold Medalist was training when I attended his intensive wrestling camps.
Keepers and Throwbacks
Keepers and Throwbacks
I just have seen too many people I know become unhappy because their possessions own them, not vice versa
How Combat Athletes Can Effectively Use Kettlebells and the Grappler
How Combat Athletes Can Effectively Use Kettlebells and the Grappler
There have been many questions with regards to the use of The Grappler & Russian Kettlebells. I am going to discuss exactly how I train my athletes (mainly grapplers & football players) with these two tools.

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