Ricardo Garcia and The Posterior Chainsaw
Ricardo Garcia and The Posterior Chainsaw
Ricardo Garcia had a problem. He had agreed to kill someone. Garcia accepted the money. He promised to do the job and took the money – an advance payment, from Jimmy Luciano of all people, “Chainsaw” Jimmy Luciano.
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
If you have a garage gym, you want equipment that is reliable and will outlive you. That’s why elitefts equipment is the gold standard. But you’ll want equipment that’ll give you the bang for your buck. Enter the elitefts Back Raise…
Cambered Bar Back Raise
Cambered Bar Back Raise
Cambered Bar Back Raise
Isolated Back Raise
Isolated Back Raise
This is a great movement for those dealing with lower back pain or have a hard time keeping their back arched while squatting and/or pulling.
45 Degree Back Raise on Pro Bench
45 Degree Back Raise on Pro Bench
This bench can be set up to work a variety of different ways.
Back Hyper Complex
Back Hyper Complex
Work the entire posterior chain. Lifter performs a back hyper extension and then rows the barbell to their midsection.
Professional 45-Degree Back Raise
Professional 45-Degree Back Raise
We’ve had the EFS Professional 45-degree back raise in the EFS weight room for about 2–3 years. It’s the best low back strengthener I’ve ever used.

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