How to Bench 5 Plates Raw: 0 to 400 Real Quick
How to Bench 5 Plates Raw: 0 to 400 Real Quick
As long as you are meeting your caloric needs and are getting enough sleep every night, training is by far the most important thing you have to get stronger.
WATCH: Learn to Train X — The Squat Checklist with Swede Burns
WATCH: Learn to Train X — The Squat Checklist with Swede Burns
Don’t wish for the best as you get under the bar and attempt to squat. Instead, get under the bar with a plan.
What I Learned from Benching with Dave Tate
What I Learned from Benching with Dave Tate
Based on Dave’s bench cues and progress made, I’m revising my bench goal for Reebok Record Breakers in November, from 200 kilos up to 210 — a huge jump, especially considering it’s by far my worst lift.
Using Squat Variations to Alter Movement Patterns
Using Squat Variations to Alter Movement Patterns
One of the best ways to correct movement patterns is to use exercise variations that address your issues. Here are the five most commons squat errors and the variations that solve each.
The Coach's Guide to Teaching the Bench Press
The Coach's Guide to Teaching the Bench Press
With beginners you need to follow a simple guide to get them going. Then once they’re ready, you need to focus on the three phases of the bench press. It’s all included in this article.
WATCH: Table Talk — Straight Line or Arched Bar Path in the Bench Press
WATCH: Table Talk — Straight Line or Arched Bar Path in the Bench Press
No matter which style you use, there’s one rule with your wrists and elbows you always have to follow.
Bench Pressing Secrets of the Pros
Bench Pressing Secrets of the Pros
In this article, you will find multiple quotes from some of the best lifters past and present regarding what makes a good bench presser — Greg Panora, Jeremy Hoornstra, Ryan Kennelly, and Eric Spoto to name a few.
XPC Finals — My First 2400-Pound Total
XPC Finals — My First 2400-Pound Total
My first meet as part of elitefts was the first Lexen Pro/Am ten years ago. Last weekend, in Columbus again, I finally got to 2400.
34 Ways to Maximize Your Raw Bench
34 Ways to Maximize Your Raw Bench
Here are some of the tried-and-tested methods that helped me finally break through the 400-pound barrier, which had been a monkey on my back for years.
WATCH: Table Talk — Bench Press Bar Path
WATCH: Table Talk — Bench Press Bar Path
Should you press in a straight line or in an arc, finishing with the bar over your face?
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
I’m making some changes and have employed the knowledge of several lifting legends to answer these crucial questions.
Friday Technique Video: Mastering the Sumo Deadlift
Friday Technique Video: Mastering the Sumo Deadlift
This man can punch you so hard your teeth will hit your girlfriend like shrapnel. Listen to him.

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