5 Things Every Small Garage Gym Owner Should Have
5 Things Every Small Garage Gym Owner Should Have

Your training space is a one-car stall garage, and you want quality equipment at a decent price. Does this sound like you? Great, say no more. Every small garage gym owner should have these five things for endless training possibilities and year-round gains.

5 Items to Whip Your Powerlifting Fiancé into Wedding Day Shape That Won’t Break the Bank
5 Items to Whip Your Powerlifting Fiancé into Wedding Day Shape That Won...

My fiancée has helped me grow as a person emotionally, mentally, and of note here, physically — I’ve put on about 100 pounds in the last four years, so I need to become the man she sees me as. The items on this list will help me accomplish just that.

5 Gifts for the Garage Gym of Your Dreams
5 Gifts for the Garage Gym of Your Dreams

Having a garage gym has been my dream since 1999. Now I’m going on my 10th year in my second marriage with two kids and working as a part-time Mr. Mom and a part-time gas utility worker in Northern California. That dream is slowly becoming a reality, and the items on this list will help speed things up.

Add 100 Pounds To Your Squat — 5 Seminar Takeaways
Add 100 Pounds To Your Squat — 5 Seminar Takeaways

It took more than 20 years of surveys for us to define what is optimal. These are some of those key items and teaching points we’ve picked up from those surveys, such as training group size considerations and training the squat from the bottom up.

How to Teach and Coach the Box Squat
How to Teach and Coach the Box Squat

In addition to the numerous, invaluable benefits of the box squat, it’s one of the easier movements to teach if you know how. Use this process to get your athletes box squatting correctly and you’ll see their weight room and sport performance skyrocket.

Narrow Stance Yoke Bar Box Squat With Scott Yard
Narrow Stance Yoke Bar Box Squat With Scott Yard

Getting strong is all about the movements you go through that help carry over when you get under that bar.

Squatting from Head to Toe
Squatting from Head to Toe

Here’s what you need to know about The Box Squat.

7 Item(s)