Make it More Than Just a Warm-Up
Make it More Than Just a Warm-Up
When it came to warm-ups, I didn’t always practice what I preached. As it turned out, warm-ups have done me a solid and increased my strength, endurance, and recovery. Plus, they’re a great way to hone your techniques.
A Back Complex To Stimulate Recovery
A Back Complex To Stimulate Recovery
Mark Dugdale takes us through a simple yet effective recovery complex he uses during back training.
Not all Fatigue is Created Equal
Not all Fatigue is Created Equal
Not all fatigue is the same. Understanding the mechanism behind adaptation is crucial to progress.
The Abadjiev Method (Part 1)
The Abadjiev Method (Part 1)
The history behind the madness: Ivan Abadjiev
Compensatory Acceleration Training: Maximizing Each Rep, Each Set
Compensatory Acceleration Training: Maximizing Each Rep, Each Set
I am going to introduce a concept I call “movement intention.”
Sleep: Why It's Essential
Sleep: Why It's Essential
Sleep needs to be for more than just tissue repair.
The Parasympathetic Secret
The Parasympathetic Secret
You wake up after a restful night’s sleep to hit up the gym before the sun comes up, but why do you feel so weak and unmotivated to lift heavy and strong?
Monitoring Training Status: The Finger Tap Test
Monitoring Training Status: The Finger Tap Test
Monitoring training status is something very vital when training athletes.
 Warming Up to PRs
Warming Up to PRs
What’s keeping you from setting a personal record (PR) in your lifts? Why isn’t your “top end” going up?
Intense Running Workouts
Intense Running Workouts
When I competed in track in 1988–1992, we did what we were told. I don’t know anything about “block training” or “CNS.” So I can’t give any educated advice on where these workouts fit into a training cycle. All I know is that they killed me, and I can’t imagine one or more of these workouts not being beneficial to
Get Rid of Stubborn Hamstring Injuries!
Get Rid of Stubborn Hamstring Injuries!
Hamstring injuries are common but mostly avoidable. Like many other injuries, they aren’t 100 percent preventable, but there are many ways to help reduce the occurrence in your athletes. If hamstring pulls do take place, I’ve added some treatment guidelines at the end. However, this doesn’t mean that your athletes shouldn’t seek medical assistance. A physician should always be consulted
Acceleration, Part II
Acceleration, Part II
Speed is a product of stride length (the distance your hips travel in a stride) and stride frequency (the number of steps you take in a given time period). However, you won’t reach top speed by taking increasingly larger steps to increase stride length or taking short, quick steps to increase stride frequency.
Difference Makers
Difference Makers
Despite the busiest summer I ever had both professionally and socially, my training has been better than ever lately.

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