Relationship Roadblocks to Overcome
Relationship Roadblocks to Overcome
Relationships aren’t always a walk in the park. It’s all too easy to avoid talking about issues because they make us uncomfortable. However, when we face the discomfort, we become stronger.
How to Communicate Clearly to Potential Clients
How to Communicate Clearly to Potential Clients
Ever heard the saying, “If you can’t explain something simply, you probably don’t understand it?” If you’re going to bring in clients, you need to make your pitch short, sweet, and simple.
8 Levels of Delegation for Successful Management
8 Levels of Delegation for Successful Management
Your employees are like your clients in the gym. They want to build their skills and strengths and hopefully, are able to do it on their own. If you’re unable to manage your management, you are doing your employees and yourself a major disservice.
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Enough with the “back in my day, kids did this…” crap. Today is today. Things haven’t changed that much, and if you can’t adapt to what has changed, maybe you shouldn’t be a strength coach.
9 Things I Learned From a Social Media Detox
9 Things I Learned From a Social Media Detox
Quitting social media will help you realize how you’re spending your time and where you’re spending your time. Most of us, myself included, are wasting entirely too much time on stupid stuff. Stop wasting your time there and start putting it where it’s most important.
How to Coach Based on Personality Type
How to Coach Based on Personality Type
Knowing your clients’ personalities and using that knowledge for communication and programming can make you a better, more effective coach. Here’s how you can do that using the DISC personality model.
The Poopy Raccoon
The Poopy Raccoon
In preparation for our next training session, I knew I needed the help of my coworkers. The next morning they all received the following email blast…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Programming Process Behind the Workout
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Programming Process Behind the Wor...
Training is more than the squat, bench, and deadlift — especially for a child on the autism spectrum. According to Sheena, bring together observation, communication, scheduling, progression, and motivation, and you’ll have a solid start to a program.
A Better Language for Coaches
A Better Language for Coaches
This all starts with you. Being clear, setting up a growth mindset, and eliminating “no,” are just three ways to become a better communicator to your athletes.
Go With What You Know
Go With What You Know
Whatever the reason, what does a strength coach do when things are not going as expected? This is one of the hardest things to deal with, whether you are new at this business, or have been in it for a while.
Identifying Why — 4 Steps to Perfecting Your Program Philosophy
Identifying Why — 4 Steps to Perfecting Your Program Philosophy
Here are a few steps I have used over the years that have helped me, my staff, and our athletes be on the same page in understanding our purpose.
Expectations vs. Suggestions
Expectations vs. Suggestions
I’ve been struggling with this and now it’s time to talk. When rules and expectations become mere suggestions, we need a change.
Logistics of Coaching — Working With What You Have
Logistics of Coaching — Working With What You Have
You can have an amazing battle plan but if you can’t support it with beans and bullets, it’s worthless.
How Good Is Your Huddle?
How Good Is Your Huddle?
The huddle has everything to do with your team’s success. What might surprise you is that it also has everything to do with your success in life.
Communication in Strength and Conditioning — The Heartbeat of a Successful Program
Communication in Strength and Conditioning — The Heartbeat of a Successf...
With your athletes and with your staff, communication is all you have for keeping everyone on the same page. If you won’t talk to them, you won’t understand them, and your program will fail.
Culture of the Team: The Hardest Part of Coaching
Culture of the Team: The Hardest Part of Coaching
This problem started to creep up on us several years ago and I only see it getting worse.
The Biggest Key to Success in the Client-Coach Relationship
The Biggest Key to Success in the Client-Coach Relationship
More than the training techniques or coaching methods, there is one thing that will make or break your success working with a coach.
The After Action Review
The After Action Review
A vehicle for advancing operational efficiency in sport may render a level of operational improvement commensurate with the aptitude of the organization’s employees abilities and commitments.
Don’t Get Guru'd! 3 Expectations Every Client Should Have of Their Prep Coach
Don’t Get Guru'd! 3 Expectations Every Client Should Have of Their ...
Contest prep, if misguided, can leave you mentally and physically depleted with no interest in returning to the stage. Don’t let this happen.
The Best Positions for Training and Coaching Your Athletes
The Best Positions for Training and Coaching Your Athletes
Use the art of coaching to determine where you stand as a facilitator of strength and conditioning. Are you where you ought to be?
LISTEN: Eric Cressey on Performance, Baseball, and Staff Synergy
LISTEN: Eric Cressey on Performance, Baseball, and Staff Synergy
The most sought-after baseball performance coach details his journey in the S&C field.
Hiring an online coach should be done with caution. Who should you avoid?
How to Deal with Difficult Coaches
How to Deal with Difficult Coaches
Clashing with challenging coaches or parents? Here are the most effective strategies to help cope with them.
Reno Hardcore: I Am Your Training Partner, Not Your Mother
Reno Hardcore: I Am Your Training Partner, Not Your Mother
Your partners are not your personal cheering section or your therapists. You are a team working together to get insanely strong.
By the Coach for the Coach: Be the Bee
By the Coach for the Coach: Be the Bee
In order for the hive to survive and thrive, each bee must know her place in the hive. The same goes for your coaching team.

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