Build High School Athletes' Athletic Base with Olympic Lifting
Build High School Athletes' Athletic Base with Olympic Lifting
When done correctly, these lifts can improve an athlete’s peak force, rate of force production, and explosiveness.
Physics Made Easy to Increase Your 1RM
Physics Made Easy to Increase Your 1RM
Acceleration is one of the most important components for building maximum strength. However, you should not confuse acceleration with explosiveness.
WATCH: Eliminating the Numbers Game
WATCH: Eliminating the Numbers Game
Since applying bands and chains in his training, Johnson has not only remained competitive in the sport of powerlifting, he has also seen the gains that he was aiming to achieve.
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Explosive vs. Strong, Trendy Hashtags, and Dave's Transformations
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Explosive vs. Strong, Trendy Hashtags, and Dave...
At some point Dave will make it to his destination, but until then, he’s got a few more questions to answer.
The Force-Velocity Profile: Reversing Imbalances Using the Dynamic Effort Method and Band Tension in Sport Athletes
The Force-Velocity Profile: Reversing Imbalances Using the Dynamic Effor...
Last summer I was able to perform some informal research on 10 Division II football athletes examining how to reverse imbalances found in force-velocity profiling using velocity based training with a Tendo Unit and accommodating resistance.
The Swing Block Method
The Swing Block Method
This program moves in a linear progression by alternating rep ranges with normal deload and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy phases to allow for supercompensation to take place.
Get Big Without Getting Slow: Cluster Training
Get Big Without Getting Slow: Cluster Training
By gaining muscle, you increase your ceiling for strength. By getting stronger, you increase your ceiling for power.
Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Olympic Lifts Have No Place in an Athlete's Physical Preparation
Do these beloved training movements contribute to soft tissues injuries more than they improve athletic performance? Before you make up your mind, hear me out.
3 Ways to Build Strength Off the Chest for the Bench Press
3 Ways to Build Strength Off the Chest for the Bench Press
These are a few important components of building a big bench, starting with getting the bar off your chest as quickly and efficiently as possible.
6 Ways To Increase Strength
6 Ways To Increase Strength
Six REAL factors to getting strong, not the same crap we’ve read over and over… and over again. Seriously, how many times do we have to be told to train hard, be consistent, follow a program and eat right? Those may not even matter anyhow but these do.
Setting Up Westside for the Raw Lifter
Setting Up Westside for the Raw Lifter
With a program based on adapting to your weaknesses and strengths, this article explains how to customize your training for raw lifters.
Twelve-Week Explosive Bench Program
Twelve-Week Explosive Bench Program
Drive that bar off your chest like you’re wearing a C4-laced bench shirt.
Reno Hardcore: Tricks for Immediate Strength
Reno Hardcore: Tricks for Immediate Strength
Instantly lift more by making these simple changes.
Applicability of Agility Training
Applicability of Agility Training
Open skill agility drills that more closely mimic the unpredictable nature of competition are lacking in most programs.
Explosive Hip Development for MMA
Explosive Hip Development for MMA
If you’re a fighter and want to dominate your competition, what do you need?
Plyometric Considerations for Young Athletes, Part I
Plyometric Considerations for Young Athletes, Part I
Plyometrics (jump training) is a great tool for improving an athlete’s speed, power, explosiveness, elasticity, eccentric strength, and other aspects of the neuromuscular system such as rhythm, balance, proprioception, movement coordination, and agility.
Real World Testing for Football Players: It Isn't Just a Numbers Game
Real World Testing for Football Players: It Isn't Just a Numbers Game
Players spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours each year preparing for combines at all levels.
Seven Steps for Building the Perfect High School Lineman
Seven Steps for Building the Perfect High School Lineman
Here are the seven steps for building the perfect high school lineman.
How Strong Is Strong Enough? Training Considerations for Track and Field Athletes
How Strong Is Strong Enough? Training Considerations for Track and Field...
The following is an analysis of the strength requirements and the relative importance of maximal strength for different disciplines in track and field.

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