Championship Nature Series: Dealing With Fear and Accepting Responsibility
Championship Nature Series: Dealing With Fear and Accepting Responsibility
This month, I have three stories to share on the topics of dealing with fear and accepting responsibility. Using illustrations from Joe Montana, the founder of Aikido, and Harry S. Truman, hopefully, next time you’re faced with adversity you won’t question, “Why me?”
In What We Lack
In What We Lack
We associate the word “heart” with an emotional response and driving purpose, when it is, in fact, the opposite. It’s the act of leaving emotions and connections behind, if only for a short while.
Avoid the Traps
Avoid the Traps
Society has set these standards, and as a result, many people are overworked, underpaid, in debt, divorced, and unhappy. I call them traps.
Be Afraid
Be Afraid
You hear people in an attempt to salvage their fragile egos say they are afraid of nothing. But I have never understood why being afraid of something is a bad thing.
Finding True Happiness
Finding True Happiness
I feel that, along with some financial security and fulfillment, you also need these six variables to achieve true happiness.
Real Life Status — Who's Watching You?
Real Life Status — Who's Watching You?
After our recent bowl game, all-time great Denver Bronco and two-time Pro Bowler Rod Smith spoke to my team and shared an important message that got me thinking about my athletes and my personal mission statement.
How to Heal Any Injury Overnight
How to Heal Any Injury Overnight
When recovering from a recent hamstring tear, I started using a simple practice that can not only make training more intense, productive, and satisfying, but can also help you handle anything in training — including injury.
Defy Your Demons
Defy Your Demons
There is no better time than this moment, right now. The perfection you seek is within you.
Fear Exposed
Fear Exposed
Aside from the warning signs of a shit coach, there’s a moral to this story.
Women and Imposter Syndrome
Women and Imposter Syndrome
The more I reflect, I realize how much I have permitted this fear to dictate to the extent to which I engage in certain opportunities or cultivate a niche for myself as an educated, strong ass woman who wants to get you healthy.
Adjustable Programming: Using Flexible Goals in an Inflexible World
Adjustable Programming: Using Flexible Goals in an Inflexible World
By rewriting negative associations at the track and field, Blaine and I were able to overcome previous limitations and create new opportunities for growth.
The Practice of Overcoming Fear
The Practice of Overcoming Fear
Fear is not something to be avoided. Do not run from one of the most powerful human sensations. Embrace it and use it to your advantage.
Important Steps to Reach Your Goals
Important Steps to Reach Your Goals
Let go of your past, bury old habits, and look to a brighter future.
You Ain't Shit But Neither Am I
You Ain't Shit But Neither Am I
In a world in which society is more connected than ever before, where has individual connectivity gone?
Beast Reality: Considerations When Opening a Training Facility
Beast Reality: Considerations When Opening a Training Facility
Opening your own gym is not for the faint of heart…but it is worth every penny, moment, and tear.
 No Fear
No Fear
It seems these days that “hope” is en vogue.

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