3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
You don’t have to be an expert lifter to make your training partners better. You just have to always be actively watching and engaged in training. Here is how you can be an asset to your group — even as a newer lifter.
Outlast the Fitness Industry Copycat, Critic, and Cutter
Outlast the Fitness Industry Copycat, Critic, and Cutter
The only way to REALLY keep your clients away from the snake oil is to teach them about it, but you’ve got to do a couple of things before you have their trust and attention…
When Honesty is the Only Policy
When Honesty is the Only Policy
Not unlike with your spouse or significant other, the relationship between training partners depends on many things, but at the central core to this relationship is the quality of one’s honesty with their training partner.
Who is in Charge Here, Anyways?
Who is in Charge Here, Anyways?
Don’t let your ego get the better of you. Think carefully about your choices — and if you’re really the one making those decisions.
Top Four: What Are Your Priorities?
Top Four: What Are Your Priorities?
Dave has always said that elitefts is for those who place training as a top priority in their life. But what does this really mean?
The Courage of Introspection
The Courage of Introspection
Why do we act like the depth of our squat is more important than the depth of our character?
Lifting: A Gauge of Truth
Lifting: A Gauge of Truth
You could lie about how hard you train, the foods you eat, and your gym PRs…but progress will only happen if you're true to the weights.
Reno Hardcore: I Am Your Training Partner, Not Your Mother
Reno Hardcore: I Am Your Training Partner, Not Your Mother
Your partners are not your personal cheering section or your therapists. You are a team working together to get insanely strong.
 Under the Bar Honesty - Under The Bar Excerpt
Under the Bar Honesty - Under The Bar Excerpt
One of the biggest promises I have ever made in my life was made to a woman I knew for only a few days and will probably never see again. Yet, that promise had a major impact on many lives and will continue to for many years to come.

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