Eccentric Training Techniques for Added Strength and Size
Eccentric Training Techniques for Added Strength and Size
If you want your strength and muscle mass to go up, you need to focus on how the weight is going down.
Mythbusters 204-206: Increased Cortisol, The Big 3 Powerlifts, and Fat Adaptation
Mythbusters 204-206: Increased Cortisol, The Big 3 Powerlifts, and Fat A...
Let’s knock down a few more falsehoods the fitness industry has been pumping into your brain.
MythBusters 201-203: Gluten, Clean Eating, and The Fat-Burning Zone
MythBusters 201-203: Gluten, Clean Eating, and The Fat-Burning Zone
Are you falling for these foolish fitness fallacies? Here’s the research behind these popular claims.
The Long Road To Victory: Dark Ages
The Long Road To Victory: Dark Ages
With the struggles of PhD demands affecting my personal and professional life, I needed to change my approach.
Are You Taking Enough Creatine?
Are You Taking Enough Creatine?
Are you taking enough creatine? Just how much creatine is too much?
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Bad information is passed from lifter to lifter, website to website. Let’s end the charade.
The Long Road To Victory: My Journey to a PhD
The Long Road To Victory: My Journey to a PhD
The process of completing undergraduate, masters, and doctorate programs will challenge you in ways that test your dedication and desire for your craft.
Pulp Fiction
Pulp Fiction
Detox cleanses and juices? Well, allow me to retort…
Misconceptions About Lactic Acid
Misconceptions About Lactic Acid
Three more reps…yeah, three more. That’s it! Feel the burn. FEEL THAT BURN!
Gluten for Punishment
Gluten for Punishment
I see you sitting there with a smug look on your face as you drink your gluten-free water. You ain't so smart.
The Truth About Energy Systems
The Truth About Energy Systems
You think you're so badass on your Harley, try out my Kreb's cycle.
Sleep Science: Hitting the Snooze Bar
Sleep Science: Hitting the Snooze Bar
Break down during the day, build up at night.
Call me Rhabdo
Call me Rhabdo
Are you pissing Coca-Cola?
Got Recovery?
Got Recovery?
With all of your efforts to maximize growth and strength increases, how much thought have you put into recovery?
The Research Meathead: Training to Failure
The Research Meathead: Training to Failure
Train to Failure, or Not Train to Failure? That is the Question!
The Research Meathead: Pre Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 3)
The Research Meathead: Pre Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 3)
Many of these stimulants and supplements claim to enhance performance during training to deliver more mental focus, energy, endurance, strength, and fat loss.
The Research Meathead: Pre-Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 1)
The Research Meathead: Pre-Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 1)
Have you thought about what those stimulants you are ingesting really do?
The Research Meathead: Dynamic D
The Research Meathead: Dynamic D
Vitamin D is an extremely important nutrient for health and performance outcomes.
Who Do You Listen to?
Who Do You Listen to?
The problem for many is distinguishing who is authentic, who is not, and who is a pseudo expert.
The Research Meathead: Zinc(tified)
The Research Meathead: Zinc(tified)
Zinc is also one of the most underrated, underused, and perhaps misunderstood minerals.
Muscle Confusion Debunked
Muscle Confusion Debunked
Confusing your muscles: does it make you stronger?
The Research Meathead: Static Contraction Training
The Research Meathead: Static Contraction Training
Static contraction training (consisting mainly of isometric training) can be an effective and powerful training tool, especially if it’s utilized over a variety of angles.
Training with Eccentrics
Training with Eccentrics
If you want to get stronger, perhaps you should incorporate more eccentric training in your routine.
The Research Meathead
The Research Meathead
Due to a wide variety of factors involved, it isn’t yet possible to formulate any definitive recommendations concerning protein intake for maximizing sports performance.

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