How to Screw Up Your Posture with the Leg Press
How to Screw Up Your Posture with the Leg Press
Sure, you can build bigger quads in the leg press, but that is the only benefit I can see of doing it. The cons outweigh the pros when it comes to this machine.
Thank You, Innovation!
Thank You, Innovation!
Leg equipment has come a long way…
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
Build Bigger Legs and a Bigger Squat (with 6-Week Accessory Split)
This isn’t about any unusual angles, movements, or attachments. This is just a meat and potatoes approach to building bigger legs and a bigger squat. Try this out for 6-8 weeks and see how it works for you.
WATCH: The First Time I Trained with Ronnie Coleman
WATCH: The First Time I Trained with Ronnie Coleman
The plan for the training session was to squat but the bodybuilding group had a lot more in mind.
Training the Strongman Yoke
Training the Strongman Yoke
When I began strongman I was terrible at the yoke, even though it was in almost every competition I had competed in. With it being so common, I had no choice but to improve. Here’s what I learned along the way.
Bench Pressing Secrets of the Pros
Bench Pressing Secrets of the Pros
In this article, you will find multiple quotes from some of the best lifters past and present regarding what makes a good bench presser — Greg Panora, Jeremy Hoornstra, Ryan Kennelly, and Eric Spoto to name a few.
Converting to Sumo Deadlifting: How I Made It Work for Me
Converting to Sumo Deadlifting: How I Made It Work for Me
Deadlifting is one of the oldest and hardest exercises around. It’s very simple—you just pick the bar up off the ground and stand up with it. Well, it’s not that easy for everyone.
Brandon Cass — Record-Breaking Squat Strategies
Brandon Cass — Record-Breaking Squat Strategies
He beat cancer, he set an all-time world record, and he’s soon to hit another huge squat PR. This is how Brandon’s doing it.
Dead Stop Leg Presses
Dead Stop Leg Presses
Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training and Nutrition John Meadows performs a set of Dead Stop Leg Presses.
Elitefts™ Banded Leg Press
Elitefts™ Banded Leg Press
Mark Dugdale demonstrates how to increase tension on the vastus lateralis by using Elitefts™ Pro Light Resistance Bands on the leg press.
Mountain Dog Training Lower Body Tri-Set
Mountain Dog Training Lower Body Tri-Set
John Meadows performs a Tri-Set for Legs with extensions, hack squats, and presses
Leg Press Up-Down Set
Leg Press Up-Down Set
Matt Kroc performing Up & Down sets on the Leg Press
7 Minutes of Leg Hell
7 Minutes of Leg Hell
7 minutes of pure hell I will never do again
Leg Presses Against Bands
Leg Presses Against Bands
Leg Presses Against Bands
Monster Mondo Leg Press
Monster Mondo Leg Press
Monster Mondo Leg Press
I Can Leg Press More Than You
I Can Leg Press More Than You
What happened to the word “train” in training? Did it get lost in the Smith machine?
Single-Legged Leg Press
Single-Legged Leg Press
This is the real reason we designed this machine.
Scooby Leg Press
Scooby Leg Press
Find a leg press machine and push.
Close-Stance Leg Press
Close-Stance Leg Press
I guess it’s heresy to like the Leg Press these days.
Assisted Leg Press
Assisted Leg Press
This exercise is used for people that cannot lift the leg sled by themselves.

21 Item(s)