Dimel Deadlifts
Dimel Deadlifts
This exercise helped Matt Dimel increase his squat from the mid-800’s to over 1000 pounds in a two-year period.
Pull Through
Begin by facing away from a low pulley cable with a single “D” handle or triceps rope.
Barbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Bent Over Row
If you bench, you should row. If not, you should still row.
Hip Crossovers - Knees Side To Side
Feet flat on the floor drops knees from side to side.
Forward Belt Drag
Forward Belt Drag
Maintain upright posture in order to activate the posterior chain muscles
Beyond the Range (BTR) - Stone Lifting
Beyond the Range (BTR) - Stone Lifting
Application of Powerlifting technique to a Strongman implement.
Stiff Leg Dead Lifts - Close Stance
This has become a classic hamstring and lower back movement over the years for one reason, it works!
Safety Squat Bar Pin Squats with Chains
This is a HARD CORE max effort movement that will blow your head off.
Barbell Leverage Deadlift
Barbell Leverage Deadlift
This is a great supplemental or accessory exercise to help build your deadlift.
Good Mornings - Buffalo Bar
Good Mornings - Buffalo Bar
This is performed the same way as the good morning.
Good morning - Broomstick
We are placing this here to show you all that you can still do good mornings if you suck so bar you can’t use the bar.
Good Morning
Good Morning
This exercise is performed in one way or another 70% of all max effort workouts.
Double Band Rack Pulls
Take a band (band strength depends on your strength and how much extra tension you want to add to the DL).
Conventional Dead Lifts
This max effort exercise is designed to test overall body strength.
Box Deadlifts
Box Deadlifts
The box deadlift is a great training tool for many reasons.
Professional 45-Degree Back Raise
Professional 45-Degree Back Raise
We’ve had the EFS Professional 45-degree back raise in the EFS weight room for about 2–3 years. It’s the best low back strengthener I’ve ever used.

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