7 Items That'll Make You a MILF
7 Items That'll Make You a MILF
Use these items 20 minutes a day, every day, and you’ll be a MILF in no time.
WATCH: Atlas Stone Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
WATCH: Atlas Stone Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
Even if you’re not a strongman competitor, the Atlas Stone’s benefits have carryover to the Big Three. Besides, it’s fun to train something new. So what are you waiting for? Grab an Atlas Stone, heavy med ball, or sandbag so we can get started!
5 Items to Whip Your Powerlifting Fiancé into Wedding Day Shape That Won’t Break the Bank
5 Items to Whip Your Powerlifting Fiancé into Wedding Day Shape That Won...
My fiancée has helped me grow as a person emotionally, mentally, and of note here, physically — I’ve put on about 100 pounds in the last four years, so I need to become the man she sees me as. The items on this list will help me accomplish just that.
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
If you think you’re getting a solid upper back that’ll improve your bench press, deadlifts, and squats by using hard, forceful rowing exercises and lat pulldowns, think again. When you realize that, you’ve figured out that you need to change the way you train. Not sure what you should do? Let me explain.
WATCH: Learning the Strongman Jerk
WATCH: Learning the Strongman Jerk
Improving the jerk is all about getting the reps, trusting your technique, and not being afraid to miss reps.
Elitefts™ Rotational Med Ball Throw with Variations
Elitefts™ Rotational Med Ball Throw with Variations
Two videos explaining and demonstrating rotational power exercises using a medicine ball
5 Things That Are Wrong with This Country
5 Things That Are Wrong with This Country
Fixing these issues with our athletes will not fix our country, but we all need to start where we can make the most impact.
Demolish Something
Demolish Something
What tool can take care of all of those in only a few minutes after every workout with some added benefits as well?
Gripper Ball - External Rotation
Gripper Ball - External Rotation
Hey! We found a great use for the Magnum Curl Machine.
Cruel and Unusual Exercises
Cruel and Unusual Exercises
Did you ever wonder how song writers or comedians come up with their lyrics or material? As a person who loves music as well as a good comedy, I always wondered that very question. When I started my career coaching and training athletes, I researched other coaches to come up with new ideas for old exercises. Then it clicked. The
Do You Need Your Brakes Fixed?
Do You Need Your Brakes Fixed?
Many articles out there deal with enhancing acceleration but pay little attention to deceleration or force absorption. However, in most cases, you must be able to absorb force before you can create force.

12 Item(s)