6 Foundational Movements to Move, Feel, and Look Good
6 Foundational Movements to Move, Feel, and Look Good
Being lean, strong, and healthy are byproducts of moving right. Are you squatting, hip hinging, lunging, pressing, pulling, and carrying?
Push/Pull/Legs Split for Muscle Size
Push/Pull/Legs Split for Muscle Size
Try out this very effective program for hypertrophy that’s ideal for beginners and intermediates alike. All you’ve got to do is train four days per week using this three-day split: push, pull, and legs.
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Want to be lean, muscular, strong, and conditioned, with the ability to move without pain? There are many variables, but these guidelines apply to everyone.
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Let me introduce you to the Core 4: push, pull, press, and carry.
Pull/Push/Squat Loading Matrix
Pull/Push/Squat Loading Matrix
NEO: “What is the Matrix?” TRINITY: “The answer is out there, Neo, and it’s looking for you if you want it to.”
Friday Technique Video: Mastering the Sumo Deadlift
Friday Technique Video: Mastering the Sumo Deadlift
This man can punch you so hard your teeth will hit your girlfriend like shrapnel. Listen to him.
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
I have a sure-fire way to add pounds to your deadlift and help you blow past your current PR.
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 2)
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 2)
Driggers shares another nugget of wisdom…this time about locking out.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Deadlifter
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Deadlifter
In the end, as powerlifters, strength athletes, and combat sport practitioners, we go to extremes to succeed.
Pin Pull with Chains
Pin Pull with Chains
Pin pulls are used to build the top end of the deadlift…
How I Added 100 Pounds to my Deadlift in 10 Months
How I Added 100 Pounds to my Deadlift in 10 Months
Is this thing bolted to the ground or something?
Grenade Ball Pull Up
Grenade Ball Pull Up
Grab life by the…grenade balls
Fat Swiss Bar Assisted Chins
Fat Swiss Bar Assisted Chins
No Monkey Chin Bar? No Problem!
Band Face Pull
Use what you have available
Swiss Bar Lat Pull Down
Swiss Bar Lat Pull Down
Using the Swiss Bar attachment for the classic lat pull down
Pull, Press, Squat
Pull, Press, Squat
There is only one recipe for strength.
Band Lat Pull Down
Band Lat Pull Down
Many band configurations and grips may be used to perform this lift.
Understanding Supplemental Exercises: The Deadlift
Understanding Supplemental Exercises: The Deadlift
In our series, “Overcoming Lousy Leverages,” Eric Cressey and I covered all three power lifts and discussed how smart training can lead to bigger totals. In this series, we will discuss the biomechanics behind each lift as well as several strategies to destroy any sticking points you may have. We will examine:
Cycling for the Big Meet
Cycling for the Big Meet
Getting ready for a big meet is stressful. There are a lot of things to consider, especially when using equipment. I am not going to write out all of my workouts, but I am going to give you a few points that I have learned over the last 20 years, and hopefully you can avoid some of my
Choosing and Training Your Openers
Choosing and Training Your Openers
We get a lot of questions regarding how to choose openers for powerlifting meets and there are a lot of ways to look at this. Since most veteran powerlifters have their own way of doing things and will probably never read this article, we are not going to address them. What I am going to do is address the lifter
Frequent Pulling for Faster Progress: 12 Weeks to a Bigger Deadlift
Frequent Pulling for Faster Progress: 12 Weeks to a Bigger Deadlift
The deadlift is the bastard child of powerlifting; it doesn’t get much love. Maybe it’s the fact that the deadlift is less impacted by equipment than are the squat and bench press, so it may require less practice.
This article was inspired by Alwyn Cosgrove and something that he mentioned to me in passing.

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