WATCH: 8x8 Shoulders and Triceps
WATCH: 8x8 Shoulders and Triceps
This part of my 8×8 program will give you shoulders like boulders. We’re keeping it honest with 56 total sets, 7 exercises, and 8 sets with 30 seconds of rest.
The 12 Best Exercises for Rear Delts and How to Combine Them
The 12 Best Exercises for Rear Delts and How to Combine Them
John Meadows’ expertise on shoulder training filled a void in the atmosphere of bodybuilding information. I’ve incorporated rear delt work with all of my clients, and I’ve learned a few things along the way.
Body Mechanics 101: Hunting for the Elusive Rear Delt
Body Mechanics 101: Hunting for the Elusive Rear Delt
I have been asked so many times lately about rear delts that I figured I would make this the topic for the second edition of Body Mechanics 101.
Blast Strap Face Pulls
Blast Strap Face Pulls
The Blast Strap Face Pull is performed just as any other face pull.
Rope Rear Delts
Video demonstration of Rope Rear Delts.
Seated DB Cleans s/s Rear Delts
Seated DB Cleans s/s Rear Delts
Seated DB Cleans s/s Rear Delts
Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise
Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise
Stay bent over and raise the dumbbells out and to the side.
Bentover Rear Delt with KBs
Bentover Rear Delt with KBs
This movement is performed the same way as rear lateral raises with dumbbells.
Prowler Rear Raise
Prowler Rear Raise
Who doesn’t want a bigger upper back and traps?
Rotator Bar Pulldowns
Rotator Bar Pulldowns
The rotator bar has a reverse angle to the ends making it an excellent choose for targeting the muscles of the lats and rotator cuff.
Face Pulls - Rope
The face pull is a great movement for bringing up the upper back and traps.
Rear Delt High Cable Raise
Rear Delt High Cable Raise
Rear delts are one of the most under worked muscles for all strength athletes and lifters.
Face Pulls
Face Pulls
This is a great exercise to develop your upper back.
Mini-Band Rear Delt
Mini-Band Rear Delt
This is a cool exercise to do for your upper back.

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