Bigger Is Not Always Stronger: Fallacies of Muscle Hypertrophy for Strength Athletes
Bigger Is Not Always Stronger: Fallacies of Muscle Hypertrophy for Stren...
I am going to establish an argument against a particular misconception: the fallacy that working out to make your ‘muscles bigger’ will make you stronger, faster, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
An Introduction to the Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete
An Introduction to the Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete
In this first article of the series we look at the underlying purpose of a strength athlete’s training and the importance of the mesocycle.
WATCH: Unilateral Specialized Power Training
WATCH: Unilateral Specialized Power Training
To improve athletic power, functional core strength, and body composition, check out these video exercise executions and training strategies that you can use right away.
Finding Strength: Durniat Strength
Finding Strength: Durniat Strength
Settled in Wooster, Ohio, Andrew Durniat created the training facility he’s always wanted: his own.
Eccentric Training Techniques for Added Strength and Size
Eccentric Training Techniques for Added Strength and Size
If you want your strength and muscle mass to go up, you need to focus on how the weight is going down.
Ongoing Technological Investments—Looking Ahead
Ongoing Technological Investments—Looking Ahead
2015 has been a big year for elitefts. As it comes to a close, we’re continuing to stay busy by using the knowledge we gained through many major changes. There are more to come.
The Scariest and Stupidest Exercises to Do This Halloween
The Scariest and Stupidest Exercises to Do This Halloween
They’re brutal, spine tingling, and puke evoking. You might even consider trying one of these workouts this Halloween weekend. If you do…good luck.
WATCH: How to Teach Athletes to Box Squat
WATCH: How to Teach Athletes to Box Squat
Use this teaching protocol to help your athletes learn the ideal squatting technique and build better athletic performance.
Staying Committed to the Future: The New
Staying Committed to the Future: The New
The many products and services we offer have been complicated by technology. Now we want to make that up to you.
Veteran's Perspective of the Platform
Veteran's Perspective of the Platform
Are you obsessing over the minutiae and overlooking the big picture?
Pancakes Pack on Pounds of Muscle
Pancakes Pack on Pounds of Muscle
Josh Bryant’s pancake recipe for strength athletes.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: What the Strength Athlete Needs to Know
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: What the Strength Athlete Needs to Know
At the literal center of cardiorespiratory health is the heart, a powerful muscle that consists of four distinct chambers—the right atrium, the right ventricle, the left atrium, and the left ventricle.

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