Variable Resistance Training for Team Sports 
Variable Resistance Training for Team Sports 
Ask any coach, power is a prioritized physical quality for athletes. How do we develop power? Variable Resistance Training (VRT).
3x3 Performance Programming Matrix
3x3 Performance Programming Matrix
I believe that the individualization of programming in team sports is the real holy grail of strength and conditioning. The application of the 3×3 programming matrix will ensure that each player will have the best opportunity to improve in the areas of dire need.
Teams, Camaraderie, and a Lifetime of Being an Athlete
Teams, Camaraderie, and a Lifetime of Being an Athlete
It was a team atmosphere that made me fall in love with sports, and it is a team atmosphere that has been restored to my athletic participation through powerlifting.
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Speed
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Speed
At the end of the day, the player who can move the fastest within the context of their sport will almost always be more successful.
Stress and Social Support — How Can You Help Your Athletes?
Stress and Social Support — How Can You Help Your Athletes?
At the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is food, shelter, and safety. If your athlete doesn’t have one of these three things, how can you expect them to perform at their best?
Consumer Beware The Youth Sports Syndicate
Consumer Beware The Youth Sports Syndicate
Many youth athletes are spending precious time and energy just to go get tired and worn out. Are you wasting time, energy, and money?
How To Develop Strength in Untrained Children
How To Develop Strength in Untrained Children
The two most important things when working with kids: keep them interested and show them how far they can go with proper training protocols.
Managing the Dynamics of the High School Athlete
Managing the Dynamics of the High School Athlete
As strength and conditioning coaches, we need to adapt to every athlete who walks into our weight room.
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Summer Training for Football (with 8-Week Program)
Like no other sport in America, football relies on a productive off-season to dominate in the fall.
Development of Aerobic Fitness in Young Team Sport Athletes
Development of Aerobic Fitness in Young Team Sport Athletes
5 key tips to develop aerobic fitness in young team sport athletes |

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