WATCH: Table Talk — Peaking for A Meet with Circa Max Training
WATCH: Table Talk — Peaking for A Meet with Circa Max Training
Dave and JL talk about the aspects of Circa Max that many lifters overlook: the what, how, when, why, and who.
Are You MapQuesting Your Training?
Are You MapQuesting Your Training?
This is the difference between running a system or following a program. It’s the difference between getting lost or arriving at your destination.
Free Cleveland Strength Seminar with Dr. Fred Hatfield and Josh Bryant
Free Cleveland Strength Seminar with Dr. Fred Hatfield and Josh Bryant
Sign up for this free seminar and earn continuing education credits from ISSA by attending!
Fortitude Training Camp 2016
Fortitude Training Camp 2016
Hands-on, one day training camp with Scott Stevenson. Sign up today!

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