C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #2
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #2
In my second Specialty Bar Car Show, I’m going to teach you everything I know about the Tsunami Bar, Bandbell Bar, and — one of my all-time favorites — Safety Squat Bars. If I haven’t sold you on any of these bars, remember this…
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
Every relationship has its highs and lows. You can’t stay on the honeymoon forever.
DeFranco's Tsunami Bar Complex
DeFranco's Tsunami Bar Complex
Joe DeFranco has one of his female volleyball athletes perform a barbell complex using a tsunami bar
3 Back Exercises to Build Your Bench
3 Back Exercises to Build Your Bench
Brandon pushed 315 at 132 lb body weight from the help of these accessory moves…
Lat Pull Down with Tsunami Bar
Lat Pull Down with Tsunami Bar
John Meadows performs a lat pull down with the elitefts™ Tsunami Lat Pulldown Ba
Elitefts™ Tsunami Bar Lat Pull-Down
Elitefts™ Tsunami Bar Lat Pull-Down
Lat Pull-Downs being performed with the elitefts™ Tsunami Bar
By the Coach for the Coach: Exercise Edition
By the Coach for the Coach: Exercise Edition
We want to teach that we move objects. We do not allow those objects to move us.
Coach G: CSCCa
Coach G: CSCCa
Coach G shares his thoughts about his experience at the CSCCa annual convention.
Joe DeFranco Talks About the Tsunami Bar
Joe DeFranco Talks About the Tsunami Bar
Joe DeFranco was kind enough to share some info on how his athletes have been using the Tsunami Bar™ at DeFranco’s Gym.

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