Is Your Local School or Team Training Hurting or Helping the Athlete?
Is Your Local School or Team Training Hurting or Helping the Athlete?
Private gym owners, Chris Janek and Steve Konopka discuss the relationships they’ve built with high school strength coaches, parents, and athletes to maintain one mission: help athletes reach their full potential in sport.
The #BAMFW Home Training Plan
The #BAMFW Home Training Plan
Chris Janek and Steve Konopka collaborate to alter their #BAMFW program to those with no training equipment so you can have a clear plan to increase your athleticism.
WATCH: Chris Janek — A Lifter With a Lot of Heart
WATCH: Chris Janek — A Lifter With a Lot of Heart
During SSTSS 2019, Chris Janek sat down and briefed us on his childhood, previous jobs, geared and raw lifting, and the effects of having four open-heart surgeries. Now, he’s on a heart transplant waiting list and doing as much as he can without overdoing it.
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
In the final part of the #BAMF Wrestler series, Steve “Kono” Konopka and I answer questions about post-match recovery, supplement suggestions, and refueling. Sleep, cryotherapy, contrast showers, foam rolling, vitamin C, beetroot powder, and protein powder are just a few things we suggest.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #4 with Dave Tate
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #4 with Dave Tate
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate puts on a one-man show and answers listeners’ questions about his worst powerlifting meet, his high school football and wrestling career, and more.
Viva La Flama Blanca: An Interview with Anthony Fuhrman
Viva La Flama Blanca: An Interview with Anthony Fuhrman
Between three jobs, strongman competitions, and his appearance on The Titan Games, 105-kilogram World’s Strongest Man Anthony Fuhrman shares his thoughts on pro middleweight strongman issues, meeting one of his childhood idols, and Taylor Swift.
Circuits and Supersets for BAMF Wrestlers
Circuits and Supersets for BAMF Wrestlers
Steve “Kono” Konopka and I cover our daily pre-practice warm-ups, bulletproof shoulder circuits, what we call the “f@#k the bottom, you belong at the top” conditioning circuit, and answer a couple of questions in the third part of our #BAMF Wrestler series.
Should Kids Play Youth Football?
Should Kids Play Youth Football?
I will never tell a parent they are right or wrong for enrolling their child in a contact sport such as football. What I do recommend, however, is that parents ask themselves three important questions before putting their kid into a contact sport.
Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Need to Eat
Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Nee...
In wrestling, as in every weight class sport, proper nutrition can save you from enduring grueling last-week weight cuts. This off-season plan reduces the need for the old-school dangerous approach.
Performance Elements to Build During Wrestling's Off-Season
Performance Elements to Build During Wrestling's Off-Season
The off-season is your time to improve your strengths, fix your weaknesses, and come back better next year. Here are the most important things to consider when planning your training.
4 Essential Qualities of A Badass Wrestler
4 Essential Qualities of A Badass Wrestler
If you want to be elite in this sport, there are distinct qualities you must possess. This is my guide to identifying and training those traits.
One Day Better Podcast: Interview with Anthony Donskov
One Day Better Podcast: Interview with Anthony Donskov
Anthony Donskov is not only developing stronger, faster, and better conditioned athletes; but better young men and women.
Strength Training Considerations for the Sport of Wrestling
Strength Training Considerations for the Sport of Wrestling
The development of power, maximal strength, strength endurance, grip strength, and of course injury prevention measures for common injuries seen in the sport are essential for success.
Improve Strength Endurance
Improve Strength Endurance
For more exercise ideas, visit our NEW Exercise Index.
The Return of Hardcore
The Return of Hardcore
That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. These sissified commercial gyms and their clipboard holding trainers have just about ruined the weightlifting world.
Life of a Cyclone Wrestler
Life of a Cyclone Wrestler
I wake up at the crack of dawn, put on my sweats, suck down a shake, and I’m out the door. Time to hit the road. It’s early. It’s dark. It’s cold. But I can feel only one thing—my adrenaline pumping as “Eye of the Tiger” pumps through my headphones.
Filling in the Holes, Part II
Filling in the Holes, Part II
Previously I discussed how adding in various training tools can “fill in the holes” of standard barbell lifting. Kettlebells have gained a stronger and stronger following in the strength training community, but sleds and sandbags are two tools that have yet to gain their recognition.
 The Diesel Compound 2 with Jim Smith
The Diesel Compound 2 with Jim Smith
Wrestling season is still going strong as of this writing. We have two athletes competing right now at the state tournament, and had several of our guys place at districts and regionals. The team really did well this year and is only losing a few seniors.

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