Safe Sport Act Update: Keep Your Gym Up to Code
Safe Sport Act Update: Keep Your Gym Up to Code
Gym owners: Here's a quick reminder that the Safe Sport Act will extend to your businesses starting December 1st, 2020. Not sure about the requirements? Listen to this Two-Brain Business podcast episode for a refresher course.
What Age Are You Chasing?
What Age Are You Chasing?
To you youngsters: as you reach for maturity, don’t stumble into old age.
Development of Aerobic Fitness in Young Team Sport Athletes
Development of Aerobic Fitness in Young Team Sport Athletes
5 key tips to develop aerobic fitness in young team sport athletes |
Increasing Sport Participlation for Girls
Increasing Sport Participlation for Girls
“We just wanted to tell them the importance of what it means to be on a team and make sure everybody feels comfortable.”
WATCH: Teaching the Athletic Power Position
WATCH: Teaching the Athletic Power Position
This position can serve as a basic starting point for the Power, Rack, Catch, Jumping, or Landing Positions.
The Most Impressive Display of Grit
The Most Impressive Display of Grit
Mental toughness is almost as important as physical strength when it comes to breaking through barriers and fears. And these young men have what it takes.
Youth Sport Training Considerations
Youth Sport Training Considerations
Setting the stage for sport success when it counts- begins when it doesn’t.
A Response to "Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?"
A Response to "Olympic Lifting: Why Do We Suck?"
I’m taking that freedom to respond to what I believe was an article full of misinformed judgment on training for the sport of weightlifting.
The Red Drop Theory and Talking to Nine Year Olds
The Red Drop Theory and Talking to Nine Year Olds
You may be wondering what the heck the two things above have to do with one another.
Ten Reasons Why Young Athletes Are Easier to Train Than Adults
Ten Reasons Why Young Athletes Are Easier to Train Than Adults
The question has lingered in the fitness industry for years—are young athletes easier to train than the average adults who make up the general population?
Training Young Athletes and M.O.L.D
Training Young Athletes and M.O.L.D
The long-term approach to youth fitness and sport training is an essential ingredient and critical component of understanding how to work with clients in this very sensitive demographic
Youth Nutrition
Youth Nutrition
Parents don’t hesitate to hire a trainer or buy the latest supplement, yet they barely pay attention to what their own child is eating.
 Lessons Learned from Training Young Kids
Lessons Learned from Training Young Kids
I have spent this past winter training young hockey players, often as young as 11-years-old and often by myself in groups of 12–15 kids at one time.
 Seven Successful Habits for Young Athletes
Seven Successful Habits for Young Athletes
Succeed academically: It’s crucial for young athletes to start developing solid study habits as they get older.
 Too Fat to Get Fit?: Addressing the Physical Development Needs of Today’s Youth
Too Fat to Get Fit?: Addressing the Physical Development Needs of Today...
It isn’t pretty, but it’s a reality. Our youth are getting fatter and unhealthier by the day. Physical education classes are either gone or absolutely minimized in our educational curriculum. The classes that are still intact are ill-suited for the new generation.

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