I’ve decided to start compiling my own “articles of the week” that go up here on EliteFTS. I’ve been an avid reader of EVERY article for roughly the past 4 years, and it’s the sole place that I go to increase my knowledge base, lifting, coaching, and personal growth. If you aren’t reading the articles on this site, you are really doing yourself a disservice! With that being said, here is the week in review of articles I either found interesting, useful, or just down right awesome. These are articles that spiked my interest and only reflect my views, but check em out and you can expect these every weekend for a LONG time. Enjoy!
Why the Rate of Percieved Exertion System Is Not BS by Jennifer Petrosino
Training to Fix Muscle Imbalances by Skip Hill
Jump Higher and Run Faster with Contrast Training by Nicholas Bronkall
The Ups and Downs of Competition by Ken Whetham
Matt Smith's PR Westside Program by Matt Smith
Four Ways to Become a Strong(her) Boss by Alycia Israel
WATCH: Expert Bench Press Troubleshooting with Casey Williams, Dave Tate, Matt Smith by elitefts staff
Just Load the Bar by Chad Aichs
0-1200 in 5 Sets by Swede Burns
Biz Reflection: In Hindsight, 3 Redos by Amy Wattles
What Would you have done differently? by Meana Franco
When To Put The Throttle To The Floor by Dave Tate
22 Training Tips That Matter by Dave Tate
I Was a Teenage Gym Rat - Part 2 by Steve Pulcinella
5 Things You Should Never Eat or Drink by Dave Tate
The Value of Repetition Work and Intern Interviews by C.J. Murphy
Programming for growth by JL Holdsworth
Thoughts, Considerations & Observations of Online Training by Dave Tate
640 Shirt Bench Miss, Next Day 650 Raw Bench, How? by Dave Tate
Keeping it simple, a real answer or blow off? by Dave Tate
5 Causes of Failure by Dave Tate