I’ve decided to start compiling my own “articles of the week” that go up here on EliteFTS. I’ve been an avid reader of EVERY article for roughly the past 5+ years, and it’s the sole place that I go to increase my knowledge base, lifting, coaching, and personal growth. If you aren’t reading the articles on this site, you are really doing yourself a disservice! With that being said, here is the week in review of articles I either found interesting, useful, or just down right awesome. These are articles that spiked my interest and only reflect my views, but check em out and you can expect these every weekend for a LONG time. Enjoy!
Tapering for a Powerlifting Meet by Jozo Grgic
The Training Ego - Are You Letting It Win? by Jennifer Petrosino
WATCH: Reno Hardcore With Guests Dan and Sparkle Green by Chad Aichs
Three More Guidelines for Injury-Free Progress by Cain Morano
My Weekend of Strength by Todd Hamer
Jeff Magruder: Powerlifter and Bench Press Champion by Mike Szudarek
Post-Meet Training - What to Do the First 9 Weeks After Competition by Joe Schillero
4 Big Errors of Beginner Strength Programs by Alastair MacNicol
Know Your Bars by Eric Maroscher
WATCH: Table Talk - How to Maintain a Healthy Spine by Dave Tate
Interaction with Shane Sweatt while training at the SweattShop by Marshall Johnson
Rebuilding: Path To Success by Amy Wattles
Awesome Powerlifting Videos - Hawaii World Record Breakers by Dave Tate
Old School Max Effort Bench Day (video) by Dave Tate
Sergeant Block of Fort Benning by Dave Tate
Free Powerlifting Off Season Training Template - There's an Off Season? by C.J. Murphy
The 7 Deadly Sins of Speaking by Mark Watts